For the most up to date versions of these release notes, see the IBM® Data Studio information center.
IBM Data Studio Version 1.1.1 includes support for shared installations with other IBM products. For a list of supported product combinations, see Compatibility with other products.
IBM Data Studio provides an integrated Visual Explain viewer that can be used to tune routines and queries that target DB2® for z/OS® Version 9. To use this feature, you must first apply the PTF for APAR PK50369 to your DB2 for z/OS Version 9.1 server.
In IBM Data Studio Version 1.1.1, support has been added for connecting to DB2 aliases that have been configured using DB2 Configuration Assistant using a Type 2 connection. In previous releases, connections were automatically created using Type 4 connections. There is a new preference on the Data Preferences page so that you can set global preferences for using Type 2 connection types. After you set this preference, you must restart the workbench for the preference to take effect.
If you have any questions about the use of IBM Data Studio, please post in the forum:
By default, the update is installed directly from the IBM update repository; however, it is also available for download. For details, see the specific installation instructions noted below for IBM Data Studio Version 1.1.1.
Install the fix pack with the same user account that installed the product.
You can download a compressed file containing IBM Data Studio Version 1.1.1 update; the files that you extract from the compressed file form a repository for the fix pack. You can install the fix pack from the repository on your own computer, or you can copy the repository to a shared drive or an HTTP or HTTPS server.
The Repositories page opens.
The steps for Installing IBM Data Studio on a Windows Vista computer are essentially the same as installing on other Windows computers. However, there are some important differences that are summarized below.
If the launchpad program starts automatically (for example, if you are installing from a CD), stop the launchpad program and then restart it using the Run as administrator command; navigate to the CD or disk image, right-click on setup.exe (at the top level of the CD or image) and click Run as Administrator.
If you select either an installation location or shared resources directory within the Program Files directory, then the packages that you install must be run as administrator. See Starting IBM Data Studio Version 1.1.1 on a Windows Vista computer for details.
If the installation location or shared resources directory for Data Studio is in a directory in the path C:\Program Files, then you must run Data Studio as the administrator. To run as administrator, right-click the program shortcut and click Run as administrator.
On Windows Vista, the Program Files directory is virtualized in order to allow users who are not running as the administrator to have write access to this protected directory. However, the virtualization workaround is not compatible with Data Studio.
This product is based on Eclipse 3.2.2. Refer to the Eclipse 3.2.2 release notes for information about additional known problems with the Eclipse 3.2.2 IDE.
conn = SampleUtil.getConnection ("connectionUrl", "userID", "password");Update the arguments in the getConnection() method with the URL, user ID, and password that you want to use.
conn = SampleUtil.getConnection ("jdbc:db2://MYlocalhost:MYPORT/MYTESTDB", "MYUSERID", "password");Supply the password in the getConnection() method.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Argument cannot be nullTo work around this problem, recreate the connection by selecting IDS 10 as the data server.
SET CURRENT PATH = schema_qualifier_for_procB;Click OK. Now, run and debug procA, the nested procedure procB will get called and executed correctly.
Data server | SQL stored procedures | Java stored procedures |
DB2 for z/OS |
In the Bind Options field on the Deploy Options page of the New Stored Procedure wizard, append the keyword PATH(identifier). |
DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows | In the Current Schema field on the Routine Options page of the New Stored Procedure wizard, set to the schema of the nested unqualified stored procedure. | In the Current Schema field on the Routine Options page of the New Stored Procedure wizard, set to the schema of the nested unqualified stored procedure. |
DECLARE v_dept, v_actdept CHAR(3);and three times on this line:
DECLARE v_bonus, v_deptbonus, v_newbonus DECIMAL(9,2);You must click a number of times equal to the number of variable declarations.
<dsc:properties> <dsc:property name="myParm" value="myValue"></dsc:property> <-- repeat this for each property that you want to add -- eg: name='foo' value='bar' </dsc:properties>
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DB2 Universal Database
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