Release Notes - IBM Data Studio pureQuery Runtime Version 1.1.2


About this release

For the most up to date versions of these release notes, see the IBM® Data Studio information center.

New in this release

This release adds support from annotated methods for the RowHandler interface. It also adds two new interfaces:
Use this interface to pass values into an SQL statement before that statement is run.
Use this interface when you want to map the results of a call to an SQL stored procedure to an object of type <T>. With this interface, you can also update the values of the OUT and INOUT parameters in the pureQuery bean or Map object that you used to pass values to the CALL statement.

Problems fixed in this release

pureQuery incorrectly identified the isolation level for bound packages
This problem caused an incorrect isolation level to be used, or a "Package not found" condition. The latter usually appears as SQLCODE -805.
pureQuery generated long package names by default for DB2® for z/OS® Version 8 (Compatibility Mode) data servers
For data servers that cannot accept names more than 8 characters long for packages, the generator truncates the root package name that you specify when you generate the implementation for an interface that defines annotated methods. The generator was not truncating the root package name for DB2 for z/OS Version 8 (Compatibility Mode) data servers.
Multi-row INSERT fails when run as static SQL against DB2 for z/OS
When running an INSERT statement using an annotated method that takes a collection of objects as input, pureQuery uses batch processing and, if possible, the data server's capability for performing multi-row inserts. Even if such an INSERT statement used the correct multi-row syntax when bound into a package, pureQuery did not build the correct command sequence when running the statement. This problem resulted in the underlying JDBC driver returning ERRORCODE -4228.
SQLCODE -104 error during the bind of a package containing a SELECT...INTO statement with a column function
When executing in static SQL, pureQuery uses a SELECT...INTO statement (singleton SELECT) if it detects that the application can receive a result set of only one row. Including column functions in the set of returned values for the statement could cause an SQLCODE -104 error during the bind of the package that contained the statement.

Hardware and software requirements

Information about supported platforms and disk space requirements.
Hardware requirements
Disk space
On Windows®: 80MB
On all other supported operating systems: 80MB
Software requirements
Supported operating systems
Microsoft® Windows 2000 Professional x86-32 with Service Pack 4
Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server x86-32 with Service Pack 4
Microsoft Windows 2000 Server x86-32 with Service Pack 4
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition x86-32 with Service Pack 1
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition x86-64 (Run in 32 bit mode) with Service Pack 1
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition x86-32 with Service Pack 1
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition x86-64 (Run in 32 bit mode) with Service Pack 1
Microsoft Windows XP Professional x86-32 with Service Pack 1 or 2
Microsoft Windows XP Professional x86-64 Edition (Run in 32-bit mode) with Service Pack 1 or 2
Red Hat Enterprise Linux® (RHEL) 4.0 and 5.0 AS/ES x86-32
SuSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) Version 9 (all service packs; running in 32-bit mode) and Version 10
IBM AIX 5L™ (32-bit and 64-bit) Version 5.2 and Version 5.3
Sun Solaris SPARC Version 9 (32-bit and 64-bit)
Sun Solaris SPARC Version 10 (64-bit)
Java™ Development Kit
JDK 5 (1.5.0) or higher
Java Database Connectivity
For database connections, a driver that is compliant with JDBC 3.0 is required. If you use the "IBM DB2 Driver for JDBC and SQLJ" driver, use level 3.51 or higher of this driver.

Installing IBM Data Studio pureQuery Runtime Version 1.1.2

Instructions for installing this product are located in the installation guide in the product download and in the product information center, which is located at

Documentation for IBM Data Studio pureQuery Runtime 1.1.2

The documentation for this product is located in the IBM Data Studio information center under the topic Developing pureQuery applications.

Known problems

This release contains the following known limitations and problems:

  • When viewing license documents in the license directory of your installation, use text viewers that support your language.
    • On Windows, you can use Notepad as long as the support for your language is installed on your system.
    • On Linux and UNIX®, simple text editors such as vi do not display license documents correctly. Contact your system administrator to find out which viewer to use.
  • If you are using the annotated method programming style, a generated implementation class does not compile if both of these conditions are true:
    • One or more of the annotated methods in your interface contain parameters that are subclasses of the Map interface.
    • Your interface does not import the Map interface.
    The workaround is to add the statement import java.util.Map; to your interface and generate the implementation class again.
  • If you are using the annotated method programming style and none of the methods in an interface use annotations or if the interface contains no methods, the pureQuery Generator throws a null pointer exception when you try to generate an implementation of the interface. The workaround is to make sure you annotate at least one method in an interface.


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