Using QMF

Commands you can use on the list of database objects

You can issue the following commands in the Action area of a list. Type QMF before any command to make sure that the QMF command runs instead of a command synonym. Your installation might have defined a command with the same name as a QMF command.

What it does

Converts a prompted, QBE, or SQL query into an equivalent SQL query. The comments in the original query do not appear in the converted query.

Retrieve an object from the database and display it on your terminal.

Edit a table in the database by using the Table Editor. From the database object list, you can only use the EDIT command to edit a table. If you want to edit a query or procedure, you must display it first.

Delete an object from the database.

End your QMF session.

Export QMF objects that are stored in the database directly from the database into a file (CMS), data set (TSO and CICS/MVS®), or queue name (CICS®).

Import QMF objects directly into the database from a file (CMS), data set (TSO and CICS/MVS), or data queue name (CICS).

Display the format of a report that is produced from a given form without using any data. You can use LAYOUT only with form objects, and only in an environment in which both REXX and ISPF are available.

Print a database object.

Run a query or procedure that is stored in the database.

Replace the object in the database with the object currently in temporary storage. For example, if you enter:

next to a query on the database object list, QMF replaces that query in the database with the query currently in temporary storage.

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