Using QMF

Displaying a list of database objects using the List key

  1. Type the object type (TABLES, QUERIES, PROCS, FORMS, QMF, or ALL) on the QMF command line.
  2. Press the List function key. The list for the object type you specified displays.

    For example, to display a list of all the queries you own, type:


    on the QMF command line and press the List function key.

    You will see a list that is similar to the one shown in Figure 18.

    Figure 18. Displaying a list of Query objects

    | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
    | |                                  Query List                                | |
    | |                                                                            | |
    | |                                      --------Dates--------                 | |
    | | Action   Name               Owner    Modified   Last Used                  | |
    | |                                                                1 to 2 of 2 | |
    | |          MYQUERY            USERID   1997-04-24 1997-04-24                 | |
    | |          MYQUERY2           USERID   1997-05-01 1997-05-01                 | |
    | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
    | | F1=Help    F4=Command   F5=Describe  F6=Refresh  F7=Backward  F8=Forward   | |
    | | F9=Clear  F10=Comments F11=Sort  F12=Cancel                                | |
    | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |

    The name of the list depends on the type of objects displayed. This list is called a Query List because it contains only queries. A list containing more than one type of object is called an Object List.

    You can type QMF commands in the Action area. Press the Comments function key to see a descriptive comment line for each object on the list. Press the Describe function key if the comment for that object is too long to display on the screen or if you need more detailed information about an object. Press the Cancel function key to remove the list.

You can't list REPORT or CHART objects, because they're not saved in the database; only the queries, or data and forms to produce them, are saved.

You can display a list of database objects from a command prompt panel for any field with a + sign next to it.

To display a list of database objects from a command prompt panel:

  1. Move the cursor to the field with the + sign after it.

    For example, the Name field on the RUN Command Prompt panel has a + sign next to it, so you can display a list of object names for this command. To see the RUN Command Prompt panel, on the QMF command line, enter:

    RUN ?

    Figure 19. You can list objects from the RUN Command Prompt panel.

    | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+|
    | |                             RUN Command Prompt                              ||
    | |                                                                 1 to 8 of 8 ||
    | | Type (                    )                                                 ||
    | |                                                                             ||
    | | Name (                                                    ) +               ||
    | |      To run an object from temporary storage, enter its type:               ||
    | |      QUERY or PROC.                                                         ||
    | |                                                                             ||
    | |      To run an object from the database, enter its name (and                ||
    | |      optionally its type).  Type can be QUERY or PROC.                      ||
    | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+|
    | | F1=Help  F3=End  F4=List  F7=Backward  F8=Forward                           ||
    | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+|
    |  Connected to                                *                                 |
    |  STLVM27_SQLDS_Q1                                                      _______ |
    |                                                                                |
    | Type command on command line or use PF keys. For help, press PF1 or type HELP. |
    | ______________________________________________________________________________ |

    You can also type information in the entry fields to choose the type of objects listed or to limit the objects that are shown by owner. For example, you can type QUERY in the Type field to see only query objects.

  2. Press the List function key.

    Figure 20. QMF displays a list of query objects.

    | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+|
    | |                             RUN Command Prompt                              ||
    | |                           +-----------------------------------------------+ ||
    | | Type ( query              |                  Query List                   | ||
    | |                           |                                               | ||
    | | Name ( all                |          Name               Owner             | ||
    | |      To run an object fro |                             1   to 10  of 826 | ||
    | |      QUERY or PROC.       |       1. QUERY1             USERID1           | ||
    | |                           |       2. QUERY2             USERID1           | ||
    | |      To run an object fro |       3. MYQUERY            USERID2           | ||
    | |      optionally its type) |       4. MYQUERY2           USERID2           | ||
    | +-------------------------- |       5. MYQUERY3           USERID2           | +|
    | | F1=Help  F3=End  F4=List  |       6. MYQUERY4           USERID2           | ||
    | +-------------------------- |       7. SALESQY            USERID2           | +|
    |  Connected to               |       8. SALESQY2           USERID2           |  |
    |  STLVM27_SQLDS_Q1           |       9. REPORTQY           USERID3           |  |
    |                             |      10. REPORT2            USERID3           |  |
    | Type command on command lin +-----------------------------------------------+  |
    | ___________________________ | F1=Help  F5=Describe  F7=Backward  F8=Forward |  |
    |                             | F10=Comments  F11=Sort  F12=Cancel            |  |
    |                             +-----------------------------------------------+  |

    The list displayed shows only the objects that are valid for the command you are issuing. For example, the valid objects for the RUN command are QUERY and PROC, so only those objects are displayed on the list.

    To select an object from the list, enter its number.

    The Command Prompt panel displays again. The object that you selected displays in the appropriate field.

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