Using QMF

BETWEEN x AND y -- Present values within a range

You can select all the rows that have a value between two limits. The limits are inclusive. You can abbreviate BETWEEN as BT. Comparisons using BETWEEN do not work unless the smaller value comes before the larger value. In the following example, notice that the smaller value, 20000, appears immediately after BT.

When you run this query:

Q.STAFF | ID | NAME | SALARY             |
P.      |    |      | BT 20000 AND 21000 |

QMF produces this report:

   ID  NAME          SALARY
-----  ---------  ---------
   50  HANES       20659.80
  210  LU          20010.00
  310  GRAHAM      21000.00

You can select all rows that have YEARS equal to 8, 9, or 10.

When you run this query:

Q.STAFF | ID | NAME  | YEARS            | SALARY     |
P.      |    |       | BETWEEN 8 AND 10 |            |

QMF produces this report:

   ID  NAME        YEARS     SALARY
-----  ---------  ------ ----------
   20  PERNAL          8   18171.25
   50  HANES          10   20659.80
  190  SNEIDER         8   14252.75
  210  LU             10   20010.00
  270  LEA             9   18555.50
  280  WILSON          9   18674.50
  290  QUILL          10   19818.00

Use BETWEEN either in an example table or in a CONDITIONS box. You can enter _Y in the YEARS column and _Y BETWEEN 8 AND 10 in a CONDITIONS box to produce the same report as above.

Q.STAFF | ID | NAME  | YEARS        | SALARY     |
P.      |    |       | _Y           |            |
| CONDITIONS               |
| _Y BETWEEN 8 AND 10      |
_Y BETWEEN 8 and 10 produces the same results as _Y >= 8 AND _Y <= 10, but is easier to write.

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