Using QMF

Selecting the rows to display

Next, you select the rows to display on your report. For this lesson, select only the rows for employees who are clerks.

In QMF, selecting specific rows to display is called creating a row condition.

To select rows:

  1. Press Enter to select choice 3, Row Conditions.

    The Row Conditions panel displays, as shown in Figure 10.

    Figure 10. The Row Conditions panel

    | PROMPTED QUERY                                       MODIFIED  LINE    1       |
    |                                +--------------------------------------------+  |
    |   Tables:                      |               Row Conditions               |  |
    |     Q.STAFF                    |                                            |  |
    |                                | Begin a condition by selecting one column, |  |
    |   Columns:                     | or by entering an expression or function.  |  |
    |     NAME                       |                                1 to 8 of 8 |  |
    |     DEPT                       |   *  Q.STAFF                               |  |
    |     JOB                        |   2.   ID                                  |  |
    |     SALARY                     |   3.   NAME                                |  |
    |     COMM                       |   4.   DEPT                                |  |
    |                                |   5.   JOB                                 |  |
    |   Row Conditions:              |   6.   YEARS                               |  |
    |   > If...                      |   7.   SALARY                              |  |
    |                                |   8.   COMM                                |  |
    |   *** END ***                  |                                            |  |
    |                                |   Expression (A+B, etc.)...                |  |
    |                                +--------------------------------------------+  |
    |                                | F1=Help  F5=Describe  F7=Backward          |  |
    |                                | F8=Forward  F12=Cancel                     |  |
    |                                +--------------------------------------------+  |
    |                                                                                |

    To create a row condition, select a column on which to base your row condition. You can use any column in the table, even if you are not displaying it on the report.

    In this example, you want to display only rows where the job is clerk, so you will select the JOB column.

  2. Type 5 to select JOB.
  3. Press Enter.

    The Comparison Operators panel displays:

    Figure 11. The Comparison Operators panel

    | PROMPTED QUERY                                       MODIFIED  LINE    1       |
    |                                +--------------------------------------------+  |
    |   Tables:                      |               Row Conditions               |  |
    |     Q.STAFF                    +------------------------------------------+ |  |
    |                                |           Comparison Operators           | |  |
    |   Columns:                     |                                          | |  |
    |     NAME                       | Select a verb and a comparison.          | |  |
    |     DEPT                       |                                          | |  |
    |     JOB                        | Verb. . . . 1 1. Is                      | |  |
    |     SALARY                     |               2. Is not                  | |  |
    |     COMM                       |                           1  to 7  of 10 | |  |
    |                                | Comparison 1   1. Equal to...            | |  |
    |   Row Conditions:              |                2. Less than...           | |  |
    |   > If JOB...                  |                3. Less or equal to...    | |  |
    |                                |                4. Greater than...        | |  |
    |   *** END ***                  |                5. Greater or equal to... | |  |
    |                                |                6. Between...             | |  |
    |                                |                7. Starting with...       | +  |
    |                                +------------------------------------------+ |  |
    |                                | F1=Help  F7=Backward  F8=Forward         | |  |
    |                                | F12=Cancel                               | +  |
    |                                +------------------------------------------+    |
    |                                                                                |

    On the Comparison Operators panel, you will create a row condition in which you only see rows where JOB is equal to clerk. To do this, you select 1, Is, and then select 1, Equal to. These choices are already selected for you.

  4. Press Enter.

    The Equal To panel displays.

  5. Type clerk on the first line of the Equal To panel.

    Figure 12. The Equal To panel

    | PROMPTED QUERY                                       MODIFIED  LINE    1       |
    |                                +--------------------------------------------+  |
    |   Tables:                      |               Row Conditions               |  |
    |     Q.STAFF                    +------------------------------------------+ |  |
    |                                |           Comparison Operators           | |  |
    |   Columns:   +----------------------------------------------------------+ | |  |
    |     NAME     |                         Equal To                         | | |  |
    |     DEPT     |                                                          | | |  |
    |     JOB      | Type one or more values, column names, or expressions.   | | |  |
    |     SALARY   |                                                          | | |  |
    |     COMM     |   . . ( clerk                                          ) | | |  |
    |              | Or. . (                                                ) | | |  |
    |   Row Condit | Or. . (                                                ) | | |  |
    |   > If JOB I | Or. . (                                                ) | | |  |
    |              | Or. . (                                                ) | | |  |
    |   *** END ** | Or. . (                                                ) | | |  |
    |              +----------------------------------------------------------+ | |  |
    |              | F1=Help  F4=List  F5=Show Field  F12=Cancel              | | +  |
    |              +----------------------------------------------------------+ + |  |
    |                                | F1=Help  F7=Backward  F8=Forward         | |  |
    |                                | F12=Cancel                               | +  |
    |                                +------------------------------------------+    |
    |                                                                                |
  6. Press Enter.

    The row condition you created is displayed in the echo area, and the Specify panel displays again.

  7. Because you are finished creating the query, press the Cancel function key to close the Specify panel.

    The Prompted Query panel displays. Your query is displayed in the echo area, as shown in Figure 13.

    Figure 13. QMF displays your query on the Prompted Query panel.

    | PROMPTED QUERY                           MODIFIED      LINE   1                |
    |                                                                                |
    |   Tables:                                                                      |
    |  _  Q.STAFF                                                                    |
    |                                                                                |
    |   Columns:                                                                     |
    |  _  NAME                                                                       |
    |  _  DEPT                                                                       |
    |  _  JOB                                                                        |
    |  _  SALARY                                                                     |
    |  _  COMM                                                                       |
    |                                                                                |
    |   Row Conditions:                                                              |
    |  _  If JOB Is Equal To 'CLERK'                                                 |
    |                                                                                |
    |   *** END ***                                                                  |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | 1=Help       2=Run        3=End      4=Show SQL  5=Change    6=Specify         |
    | 7=Backward   8=Forward    9=Form    10=Insert   11=Delete   12=Report          |
    | OK, CANCEL command executed successfully.                                      |
    | COMMAND ===>                                      SCROLL ===> PAGE             |

  8. To run the query and display your data, press the Run function key.

    The following report displays:

    Figure 14. QMF displays the data from your query.

    | REPORT                                           LINE 1      POS 1      79     |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    |   NAME         DEPT  JOB        SALARY        COMM                             |
    |   ---------  ------  -----  ----------  ----------                             |
    |   JAMES          20  CLERK    13504.60      128.20                             |
    |   NGAN           15  CLERK    12508.20      206.60                             |
    |   NAUGHTON       38  CLERK    12954.75      180.00                             |
    |   YAMAGUCHI      42  CLERK    10505.90       75.60                             |
    |   KERMISCH       15  CLERK    12258.50      110.10                             |
    |   ABRAHAMS       38  CLERK    12009.75      236.50                             |
    |   SNEIDER        20  CLERK    14252.75      126.50                             |
    |   SCOUTTEN       42  CLERK    11508.60       84.20                             |
    |   LUNDQUIST      51  CLERK    13369.80      189.65                             |
    |   WHEELER        51  CLERK    14460.00      513.30                             |
    |   BURKE          66  CLERK    10988.00       55.50                             |
    |   GAFNEY         84  CLERK    13030.50      188.00                             |
    |                                                                                |
    |                                                                                |
    | 1=Help         2=            3=End       4=Print       5=Chart        6=Query  |
    | 7=Backward     8=Forward     9=Form     10=Left       11=Right       12=       |
    |                                                                                |

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