Using QMF

Editing objects from outside QMF using ISPF

Note to CICS users

You cannot use an editor from QMF under CICS. You can, however, change a QMF object while viewing it in temporary storage.

You can edit an existing QMF procedure or SQL statement from QMF. The QMF object you edit can be a new, changed, or imported procedure or query. You cannot edit QBE and prompted queries.

QMF supports the ISPF-PDF editor and the XEDIT editor. You can name a user exec (VM) or CLIST (OS/390) that initializes another editor and optionally performs housekeeping functions. The ISPF-PDF editor is the default editor, but if you want to use the ISPF-PDF editor, you must do one of the following:

To find out about editors you can use, see your QMF administrator.

To edit an object using ISPF-PDF: To use the ISPF-PDF editor, you must be using ISPF. To display the ISPF-PDF editor and the current query or procedure, enter:

EDIT object

Where object is either PROC or QUERY.

From a PROC or QUERY panel, you can enter the EDIT command without specifying a value for object. The procedure or query displayed in the panel is edited. EDIT ? prompts you with the default object, either PROC or QUERY, depending on which type of panel you are using when you initiate the command.

When you end the edit session, you return to QMF with the edited object in QMF temporary storage.

You can edit your SQL statements or procedure in a different ISPF application ID by using an exec or CLIST as the editor name of the QMF EDIT command.

To edit an object using XEDIT: To use the XEDIT editor, you must be using CMS. To display the current query or procedure, issue the EDIT command:


Where object is either PROC or QUERY.

When you end the edit session, you return to QMF with the edited object in QMF temporary storage.

To edit an object using a CLIST: To use a CLIST, you must be using TSO. The named editor represents a user's CLIST. For example, enter the following command, where the editor is named MYCLIST:


Where object is either PROC or QUERY.

Using an editor of your choice, run this CLIST to edit the current query or procedure.

When you end the edit session, you return to QMF with the edited object in QMF temporary storage.

To display the EDIT command prompt panel:

  1. On the QMF command line, enter:
    EDIT ?

    The EDIT Command Prompt panel displays.

  2. To start an edit session, enter either QUERY or PROC. Another EDIT Command Prompt panel appears.
  3. Specify the editor you want to use. PDF is the default editor.
  4. Press Enter. QMF displays the appropriate panel for the editor you requested containing the current QUERY or PROC object (the object you last worked on).
  5. To return to QMF, exit the editor.

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