Using QMF

How DBCS data changes the length of names and fields

Generally, when you use double-byte characters in QMF, you enter fewer characters than when you use only single-byte characters. For example, object names in quotes can be 18 single-byte characters long or eight double-byte characters long.

To calculate the length of names and fields containing only double-byte characters:

  1. Count the number of single-byte characters possible (for example, 18 for an object name).
  2. Subtract 2 characters, one each for the SO and SI delimiters that are automatically generated.
  3. Divide the remaining 16 characters by 2 to get the number of double-byte characters the name or field can contain. If the number is odd before dividing by 2, drop the remainder after doing the division.

Thus, object names can be eight DBCS characters long.

To determine whether a name or field can contain a particular mix of double-byte and single-byte characters, use a similar process. First, for each string of double-byte characters in the name or field:

  1. Count the number of double-byte characters in the string.
  2. Multiply the number of double-byte characters by 2.
  3. Add 2 (one each for the SO and SI delimiters).

Add the sums from all the individual strings of double-byte characters, and then count the number of single-byte characters. Add the number of single-byte characters to the sums of the double-byte characters. The total cannot exceed the maximum length of the name or field that is stated for single-byte characters only.

For descriptions of the types of QMF names and fields in which you can use DBCS data, see Data types you can use with DBCS data, Using DBCS data in Input fields, and Using DBCS in form panels.

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