Using QMF

Exporting and importing bilingual forms

If you are using a QMF NLF where English is not the presiding language, you can choose to export a form in either your own language or in English. If you export a form in English, you can translate it into the NLF language when you import it. This allows portability of forms among the different NLFs.

For example, if you create a form in a French NLF, you can export it in English, and then import it into a Spanish NLF.

You use the LANGUAGE parameter of both the EXPORT command and the IMPORT command to specify whether a form is exported or imported in English or in the current session (non-English) language. QMF handles all the necessary translations.

For more information on using the LANGUAGE parameter with the IMPORT command and the EXPORT command, see the QMF Reference, SC26-4716-05.

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