Using QMF

Example 2: Connecting to like databases

Connecting DB2 UDB for OS/390 to DB2 UDB for OS/390: This example assumes that you have DB2 Version 7 Release 1 installed at each of the two locations.

If you are working at the local DB2 UDB for OS/390 location DALLAS, and you need to issue GRANT statements for tables in the database at the DB2 UDB for OS/390 location BOSTON, you must first connect to the BOSTON location.

You can request a connection to the BOSTON location in two ways:

Connecting a DB2 for VM Application Requester to a DB2 for VM Application Server:

If you have QMF running on an DB2 for VM database in MIAMI, and you want to access data stored in the DB2 for VM database SEATTLE, you must first connect to the SEATTLE location.

This example assumes that you have the following release levels of DB2 for VM installed at the two locations:

You can request a connection to the SEATTLE location in two ways:

Figure 171. CMS CONNECT Command Prompt panel - DB2 for VM Version 7.1

| ______________________________________________________________________________ |
| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+|
| |                           CONNECT Command Prompt                            ||
| |                                                              1  to 10 of 10 ||
| | Userid   (          )                                                       ||
| |          Enter the DB2 for VM userid on whose authority the connection      ||
| |          is to be made.                                                     ||
| |                                                                             ||
| | Password (          )                                                       ||
| |          Enter the DB2 for VM password that allows you to connect to the    ||
| |          database using the authority of the userid named above.            ||
| | TO                                                                          ||
| | Location ( SEATTLE            ) +                                           ||
| |          Enter the location name to which you want to connect.              ||
| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+|
| | F1=Help  F3=End  F4=List  F7=Backward  F8=Forward                           ||
| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+|
|                                                                                |
| Type command on command line or use PF keys. For help, press PF1 or type HELP. |
| ______________________________________________________________________________ |
|                                                                                |

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