Using QMF

Viewing the current database location

QMF provides several ways for you to view the name of the database to which you are currently connected. Viewing the current database name can help you orient yourself if you are accessing data in more than one location.

Viewing the current database location on the QMF home panel

When you connect to a new database, that location name is displayed below the Connected to heading on the QMF Home panel:

|Licensed Materials - Property of IBM                                            |
|5675-DB2 5697-F42 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1982, 2000                            |
|All Rights Reserved.                                                            |
|IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines                |
|                                                                                |
|  QMF HOME PANEL                       Query       Management    Facility       |
|  Version 7                                                                     |
|                                      ******     **    **      ********* ____   |
|  Authorization ID                  **     **   ***   ***     **        ____    |
|    CACLARK                        **     **   ****  ****    *******   ____     |
|                                  **     **   ** ** ** **   **        ____      |
|  Connected to                   **   * **   **  ****  **  **        ____       |
|    DETROIT                       ******    **   **    ** **        _______     |
|                                       ** ______________________________________|
|                                                                                |
|Enter a command on the command line or press a function key.                    |
|For help, press the Help function key or enter the command HELP.                |
|1=Help        2=List        3=End         4=Show       5=Chart        6=Query   |
|7=Retrieve    8=Edit Table  9=Form       10=Proc      11=Profile     12=Report  |

Viewing the current database location using a global variable

If the location name does not appear on the QMF Home panel (for example, if you lose your connection to the database, or if you are connected to a DB2 subsystem without a location name), you can view the database location name by displaying the global variable DSQAO_CONNECT_LOC. Enter:


The GLOBALS panel displays with a list of all your QMF global variables. The value of the DSQAO_CONNECT_LOC variable is the location name.

For a list of all QMF global variables, see the QMF Reference, SC26-4716-05.

Viewing the current database location using QMF's governor exit

You can view the location name by displaying the XCBCLOC field in the QMF control block DXEXCBA.

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