Using QMF

Saving a QUERY, FORM, or PROC object

You can save a query, form, or procedure by entering the SAVE command on the QMF command line in one of the following ways:

If you are on the QUERY, FORM, or PROC panel, and you want to save the currently displayed object, enter:


If the object is an existing one that you loaded from the database, QMF saves it using its existing name.

If the object is new, QMF prompts you for a name for the object.

You can also enter the following:

SAVE AS objectname

where objectname is the name you want to assign to the object.

If the object is an existing one that you loaded from the database, QMF saves it under the new name. The object stored in the database with the old name remains unchanged.

If you are on any QMF panel, and you want to save a currently loaded object even though it is not currently displayed, enter:

SAVE object

where object is the type of object you want to save. For example, if you are on the FORM panel, and you want to save the query that is currently loaded in temporary storage, enter SAVE QUERY.

If the object is an existing one that you loaded, QMF saves it using its existing name.

If the object is new, QMF prompts you for a name for the object.

If you are on any QMF panel, and you want to save a currently loaded object under a new name, enter:

SAVE object AS objectname

where object is the type of object you want to save, and objectname is the name you want to assign to the object.

You can use this command syntax for new or existing objects. If the object is an existing one, QMF saves the currently loaded object with the new name. The object stored in the database with the old name remains unchanged.

If you want to save an object and share it with other users, add the SHARE=YES parameter to the SAVE command you are using as follows:

SAVE AS objectname (SHARE=YES
SAVE object AS objectname (SHARE=YES

If you issue a SET GLOBAL command with the value DSQEC_SHARE=1 prior to issuing the SAVE command, you do not need to include the SHARE=YES parameter.

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