Using QMF

Changing a variable value

Variable values that you can change appear within parentheses. To change a variable value, type over the displayed value and press Enter.

Some DSQ variables have a restricted set of acceptable values. For example, the variable DSQDC_COST_EST (which controls the display of the database cost estimate) must have a value of either 0 or 1. See the global variable tables in the QMF Reference, SC26-4716-05 or Developing QMF Applications, SC26-4722-05 for more information.

If the variable value is too long to be displayed completely (indicated by a greater-than sign (>) in the right margin), or if you want to change a variable to a value greater than 50 bytes, move the cursor to the line containing the variable name. Then, press the Show Field function key.

This displays the Show Global Variable panel, and the entire variable value appears in a scrollable area.

Figure 163. The Show Global Variable panel

| GLOBALS                                                                        |
|                    +--------------------------------------------------------+  |
| Type a value for a |                  Show Global Variable                  |  |
| key.  Variable val |                                                        |  |
| or brackets.       | Variable Name:   LOCATION_LIST                         |  |
|                    |                                      1   to 12  of 656 |  |
| Variable Name:     | Variable Value:                                        |  |
| ------------------ | ( 'NEW YORK', 'BOSTON', 'WASHINGTON', 'ATLANTA',     ) |  |
|                    | ( 'CHICAGO                                           ) |  |
| EMPLOYEE_NAME      | (                                                    ) |  |
| LOCATION_LIST      | (                                                    ) |  |
| MAXIMUM_SALARY     | (                                                    ) |  |
| MINIMUM_SALARY     | (                                                    ) |  |
| TABLE_NAME         | (                                                    ) |  |
| DSQAO_APPL_TRACE   | (                                                    ) |  |
| DSQAO_ATTENTION    | (                                                    ) |  |
| DSQAO_BATCH        | (                                                    ) |  |
| DSQAO_CICS_SQNAME  | (                                                    ) |  |
| DSQAO_CICS_SQTYPE  | (                                                    ) |  |
| DSQAO_CICS_TQNAME  +--------------------------------------------------------+  |
|                    | F1=Help  F7=Backward  F8=Forward  F12=Cancel           |  |
|                    +--------------------------------------------------------+  |

To change a variable value in the Show Field panel, type over the displayed value and press Enter. To close the window without changing the variable value, press the Cancel function key.

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