Using QMF

Setting up and changing your QMF user profile

Your QMF user profile tells QMF how you want to display information and process commands, and what printer to use when you print reports or charts. Your user profile is the same as the system default when you first begin to use QMF. You can change the information in your profile to match your specific needs at any time.

To display your QMF user profile:

The Profile panel displays, as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. The QMF Profile panel controls how information is displayed.

| PROFILE                                                                        |
|                                                                                |
| General Operands:                                                              |
|      CASE     ===> UPPER    Enter UPPER, STRING, or MIXED.                     |
|      DECIMAL  ===> PERIOD   Enter PERIOD, COMMA, or FRENCH.                    |
|      CONFIRM  ===> YES      Enter YES or NO.                                   |
|      LANGUAGE ===> PROMPTED Enter SQL, QBE, or PROMPTED.                       |
|      MODEL    ===> REL      Enter REL or ER.                                   |
| Defaults for printing:                                                         |
|      WIDTH    ===> 132      Number of characters per line.                     |
|      LENGTH   ===> 60       Number of lines per page.                          |
|      PRINTER  ===>          Printer to be used for output.                     |
|                                                                                |
| QMF Administration Operands:  (Not usually changed)                            |
|      SPACE    ===> "DSQDBDEF"."DSQTSDEF"                                       |
|                    Enter the name of DB2 DATABASE or TABLESPACE in which       |
|                    tables will be saved by the SAVE DATA command.              |
|      TRACE    ===> NONE                                                        |
|                    Enter ALL, NONE or a character string of function-id,       |
|                    trace-level pairs.                                          |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |
| 1=Help         2=Save        3=End       4=Print       5=Chart     6=Query     |
| 7=             8=            9=Form     10=           11=         12=Report    |
|                                                                                |
| COMMAND ===>                                                                   |

To change your QMF user profile: Position the cursor on any value in your QMF profile and type over it with the value you want.

If you press the End function key, the changes you make to your profile remain in effect only until you end your QMF session, unless you save the changed profile.

To save your QMF user profile: When you have all the values the way you want, press the Save function key or enter SAVE or SAVE PROFILE on the command line. QMF stores the changed profile in the database, and uses the changed profile the next time you begin a QMF session.

You can change any of the profile values at any time. Table 3 shows some of your options for changing your profile.

Table 3. You can set your QMF profile with your preferences.

Profile value Explanation
CASE ===> UPPER QMF recognizes commands only in uppercase characters. Therefore, all the examples and exercises in this book are shown in uppercase. If you want to enter information in either uppercase or lowercase, change your profile to show CASE ===> UPPER. This way, QMF changes data entered in lowercase to uppercase.
DECIMAL ===> PERIOD Although other indicators (such as a comma) are available, this book uses a period as a decimal point indicator.
CONFIRM ===> YES When CONFIRM ===> YES is specified, QMF displays a confirmation panel before a command changes or replaces an object in the database. For the exercises in this book, be sure YES is specified.
LANGUAGE ===> PROMPTED Choose LANGUAGE ===> PROMPTED when you want QMF to prompt you for the information you need to write a query.

Choose LANGUAGE ===> SQL when you want to write queries directly in SQL.

Choose LANGUAGE ===> QBE when you want to use theQMF Query-by-Example feature.

For more information about changing your profile, see the online help or the QMF Reference, SC26-4716-05 for the SET PROFILE command.

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