Using QMF

Chapter 8. Creating a Procedure to Run QMF Commands

You can create two types of procedures to run QMF commands. Create a linear procedure to run a series of QMF commands with a single RUN command. You can also create a procedure with logic to run a series of QMF commands. However, the commands are run based on REXX logic you add to the procedure.

If you are using QMF in the CICS environment, you can use linear procedures. If you are using QMF in the CMS or TSO environments, you can also use REXX statements and functions to create procedures with logic.

You can also build procedures that include QMF objects and commands within any Windows environment that is supported by the QMF for Windows feature. You build these procedures by using simple Windows application macro languages and application building toolkits that are OLE 2.0 automation controllers. These include nearly all Windows suites, applications, and development environments today. See Appendix D, The QMF High Performance Option for more information.

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