Using QMF

Correcting errors on a form before displaying a report

You can use the CHECK command to check for errors on a form panel before you run the report.

To check a form panel:

  1. Display the form panel you want to check for errors. You can display any form panel for a particular form. QMF checks for errors on that panel and all the other panels for that form as well.

    QMF checks for two types of errors:

  2. On a form panel, press the Check function key.

    Or you can enter CHECK on the QMF command line.

    If QMF finds an error on a panel, it displays that panel with the field in error highlighted. The message on the message line describes the error.

  3. Correct the field in error.

    Press the Help function key to see more information about the error and instructions to correct it.

  4. Press the Check function key or enter CHECK to see any remaining errors.

After you correct any errors, QMF displays any warning conditions when you issue the CHECK command. The steps for correcting warning conditions are the same as for correcting errors.

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