Using QMF

Specifying fixed columns on a report

Using forms panels, you can specify fixed columns on a report.

In an online report, the fixed columns remain in place on the left of the screen when you press the Left or Right function keys. A vertical line | separates the fixed area from the scrollable portion of the report.

On a printed report, QMF repeats the fixed columns on the left side of each page.

For this example, use the query in Figure 102.

Figure 102. Use this query to see how fixed columns affect a report.

| PROMPTED QUERY           MODIFIED LINE 1                                       |
|                                                                                |
|   Tables:                                                                      |
|     Q.STAFF(A)                                                                 |
|     Q.ORG(B)                                                                   |
|                                                                                |
|   Join Tables:                                                                 |
|     A.DEPT And B.DEPTNUMB                                                      |
|                                                                                |
|   Columns:                                                                     |
|     ID                                                                         |
|     NAME                                                                       |
|     JOB                                                                        |
|     YEARS                                                                      |
|     SALARY                                                                     |
|     COMM                                                                       |
|     DEPTNUMB                                                                   |
|     DEPTNAME                                                                   |
|     MANAGER                                                                    |
|     DIVISION                                                                   |
|     LOCATION                                                                   |
|                                                                                |
|   Sort:                                                                        |
|     Ascending by ID                                                            |

The query creates this report:

Figure 103. The right side of the report is not visible.

|       ID  NAME       JOB     YEARS      SALARY        COMM  DEPTNUMB  DEPTNAME |
|   ------  ---------  -----  ------  ----------  ----------  --------  ---------|
|       10  SANDERS    MGR         7    18357.50           -        20  MID ATLAN|
|       20  PERNAL     SALES       8    18171.25      612.45        20  MID ATLAN|
|       30  MARENGHI   MGR         5    17506.75           -        38  SOUTH ATL|
|       40  O'BRIEN    SALES       6    18006.00      846.55        38  SOUTH ATL|
|       50  HANES      MGR        10    20659.80           -        15  NEW ENGLA|
|       60  QUIGLEY    SALES       -    16808.30      650.25        38  SOUTH ATL|
|       70  ROTHMAN    SALES       7    16502.83     1152.00        15  NEW ENGLA|
|       80  JAMES      CLERK       -    13504.60      128.20        20  MID ATLAN|
|       90  KOONITZ    SALES       6    18001.75     1386.70        42  GREAT LAK|
|      100  PLOTZ      MGR         7    18352.80           -        42  GREAT LAK|
|      110  NGAN       CLERK       5    12508.20      206.60        15  NEW ENGLA|
|      120  NAUGHTON   CLERK       -    12954.75      180.00        38  SOUTH ATL|
|      130  YAMAGUCHI  CLERK       6    10505.90       75.60        42  GREAT LAK|
|      140  FRAYE      MGR         6    21150.00           -        51  PLAINS   |

When you press the Right function key to see the rest of the information, you can no longer see the ID and NAME fields. You cannot tell which information belongs to which employee.

To specify fixed columns on a report:

  1. On the QMF command line, enter:

    The FORM.OPTIONS panel displays.

    Figure 104. Specify the number of columns you want to remain fixed.

    | FORM.OPTIONS                                         MODIFIED                  |
    |                                                                                |
    | What do you want for                                                           |
    |  Detail spacing?                                  ===> 1                       |
    |  Line wrapping width?                             ===> NONE                    |
    |  Report text line width?                          ===> DEFAULT                 |
    |  Number of fixed columns in report?               ===> 2                       |
    | Do you want                                                                    |
    |  Outlining for break columns?                     ===> YES                     |
    |  Default break text (*)?                          ===> YES                     |
    |  Function name in column heading when grouping?   ===> YES                     |
    |  Column wrapped lines kept on a page?             ===> YES                     |
    |  Across summary column?                           ===> YES                     |
    |  Automatic reordering of report columns?          ===> NO                      |
    |  Page renumbering at the highest break level?     ===> NO                      |
    |                                                                                |
    | Do you want separators for                                                     |
    |  Column heading?         ===> YES       Break summary?          ===> YES       |
    |  Across heading?         ===> YES       Final summary?          ===> YES       |
  2. Move the cursor to the Number of fixed columns in report? field.
  3. Type the number of columns you want to remain fixed. For this example, you want the ID and NAME columns to display at all times. Type 2 in the Number of fixed columns in report? field. Press the Report function key to see the changed report. Press the Right function key to display the rest of the information. The columns you specified as fixed remain displayed on the screen.

    Figure 105. The first two columns remain fixed when you press the Right function key.

    |   ------  ---------|-------  --------------  -------  ----------  -------------|
    |       10  SANDERS  |     20  MID ATLANTIC         10  EASTERN     WASHINGTON   |
    |       20  PERNAL   |     20  MID ATLANTIC         10  EASTERN     WASHINGTON   |
    |       30  MARENGHI |     38  SOUTH ATLANTIC       30  EASTERN     ATLANTA      |
    |       40  O'BRIEN  |     38  SOUTH ATLANTIC       30  EASTERN     ATLANTA      |
    |       50  HANES    |     15  NEW ENGLAND          50  EASTERN     BOSTON       |
    |       60  QUIGLEY  |     38  SOUTH ATLANTIC       30  EASTERN     ATLANTA      |
    |       70  ROTHMAN  |     15  NEW ENGLAND          50  EASTERN     BOSTON       |
    |       80  JAMES    |     20  MID ATLANTIC         10  EASTERN     WASHINGTON   |
    |       90  KOONITZ  |     42  GREAT LAKES         100  MIDWEST     CHICAGO      |
    |      100  PLOTZ    |     42  GREAT LAKES         100  MIDWEST     CHICAGO      |
    |      110  NGAN     |     15  NEW ENGLAND          50  EASTERN     BOSTON       |
    |      120  NAUGHTON |     38  SOUTH ATLANTIC       30  EASTERN     ATLANTA      |
    |      130  YAMAGUCHI|     42  GREAT LAKES         100  MIDWEST     CHICAGO      |
    |      140  FRAYE    |     51  PLAINS              140  MIDWEST     DALLAS       |

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