Using QMF

Specifying the way QMF uses values in a column

On the FORM.COLUMNS panel, you can specify usage codes to display the values in a column in a way that is meaningful to you. A usage code is a set of characters that tells QMF what to do with the values in a column when displaying them in the report.

For example, you can sum a column of numbers and display the total, or break the report at certain values to calculate subtotals.

In this example, you will sum a column of numbers, omit a column from the report, and calculate subtotals.

To specify a usage code:

  1. Move the cursor to the USAGE field for that column.
  2. Type the usage code. For this example, type:

    Figure 94. Change the way QMF displays columns with usage codes.

    | FORM.COLUMNS                                           MODIFIED                |
    |                                                                                |
    |                        Total Width of Report Columns: 64                       |
    |  NUM COLUMN HEADING                           USAGE   INDENT WIDTH EDIT  SEQ   |
    |  --- ---------------------------------------- ------- ------ ----- ----- ---   |
    |    1 EMPLOYEE_NAME                                    4      9     C     3     |
    |    2 DEPT._NUMBER                                     2      6     L     1     |
    |    3 JOB                                      OMIT    4      5     C     2     |
    |    4 SALARY                                   SUM     2      12    D2    4     |
    |    5 COMMISSIONS                              SUM     2      11    D2    5     |
    |    6 TOTAL_EARNINGS                           SUM     4      12    D2    6     |
    |      *** END ***                                                               |
  3. Press the Report function key to display the changed report.

    Figure 95. The changed report sums the columns and omits the JOB column.

    |   DEPT.     EMPLOYEE                                     TOTAL                 |
    |   NUMBER      NAME           SALARY  COMMISSIONS        EARNINGS               |
    |   ------    ---------  ------------  -----------    ------------               |
    |     15      KERMISCH     $12,258.50      $110.10      $12,368.60               |
    |     15      NGAN         $12,508.20      $206.60      $12,714.80               |
    |     15      ROTHMAN      $16,502.83    $1,152.00      $17,654.83               |
    |     20      JAMES        $13,504.60      $128.20      $13,632.80               |
    |     20      PERNAL       $18,171.25      $612.45      $18,783.70               |
    |     20      SNEIDER      $14,252.75      $126.50      $14,379.25               |
    |     38      ABRAHAMS     $12,009.75      $236.50      $12,246.25               |
    |     38      NAUGHTON     $12,954.75      $180.00      $13,134.75               |
    |     38      O'BRIEN      $18,006.00      $846.55      $18,852.55               |
    |     38      QUIGLEY      $16,808.30      $650.25      $17,458.55               |
    |                        ============  ===========    ============               |
    |                         $146,976.93    $4,249.15     $151,226.08               |
    |                                                                                |

For information on other usage codes, see the QMF Reference, SC26-4716-05.

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