Using QMF

Starting from the QMF Home Panel

After you start QMF, you see the QMF Home panel:

Figure 2. The QMF Home panel

|Licensed Materials - Property of IBM                                            |
|5675-DB2 5697-F42 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1982, 2002                            |
|All Rights Reserved.                                                            |
|IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines                |
|                                                                                |
|  QMF HOME PANEL                       Query       Management    Facility       |
|  Version 7.2                                                                   |
|                                      ******     **    **      ********* ____   |
|  Authorization ID (1)              **     **   ***   ***     **        ____    |
|    CACLARK                        **     **   ****  ****    *******   ____     |
|                                  **     **   ** ** ** **   **        ____      |
|  Connected to (2)               **   * **   **  ****  **  **        ____       |
|    DETROIT                       ******    **   **    ** **        _______     |
|                                       ** ______________________________________|
|                                                                                |
|Enter a command on the command line or press a function key.                    |
|For help, press the Help function key or enter the command HELP.                |
| 1=Help        2=List        3=End         4=Show       5=Chart        6=Query(3)(4)                                           |
| COMMAND ===>     (5)                                                           |

On the Home panel you see:

(1) Authorization ID
The user ID you used to log on to QMF. You can access only objects, such as queries, forms, or procedures, created using this ID and objects to which this ID has been granted access. Any object you create during a session belongs to this user ID.

(2) Connected to
The name of the database to which you are connected.

(3) Function keys
A function key performs a single operation. The function of each key depends on the panel you are looking at. You can eliminate keystrokes by pressing a single function key to start the operation you want.

If your QMF administrator tailors your function keys, they may not be the same as the examples presented in this book.

In this book, we refer to function keys that are labeled, meaning the labels next to function keys at the bottom of the QMF panel.

(4) The message line
On this line, QMF tells you what was accomplished by the last operation you started, or what you can do next.

(5) The command line
If no function key starts the operation you want to do next, you can tell QMF what to do by entering a command on this line after the arrow. In this book, when we say "Enter a command", it means type the command on the command line, and then press Enter. Some QMF panels display SCROLL ===> PAGE on the right side of the command line. You can type another value over the PAGE value to change the scrolling behavior when you press the Forward or Backward function keys. See the QMF Reference, SC26-4716-05 or QMF's online help for the Forward or Backward commands for more information.

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