Using QMF

Changing column headings

When you display a report by using the default report format, QMF assigns each column a name. Usually, this name is the column name or label from the table where you retrieve the data. QMF gives a column that you define in a query the name COL or EXPRESSION that is followed by a number so that each column name is unique. If you are using DB2 for AIX®, QMF identifies columns you define by only a number.

You can change column headings on the FORM.COLUMNS panel.

In this example, you will change the headings for the NAME, DEPT, and COMM columns.

To change column headings:

  1. Type the new heading over the existing heading. Use an underscore to split the heading between two lines.

    For this example, type:

    Figure 84. Change the column headings on FORM.COLUMNS.

    | FORM.COLUMNS                                         MODIFIED                  |
    |                                                                                |
    |                        Total Width of Report Columns: 62                       |
    |  NUM COLUMN HEADING                           USAGE   INDENT WIDTH EDIT  SEQ   |
    |  --- ---------------------------------------- ------- ------ ----- ----- ---   |
    |    1 EMPLOYEE_NAME                                    2      9     C     3     |
    |    2 DEPT._NUMBER                                     2      6     L     1     |
    |    3 JOB                                              2      5     C     2     |
    |    4 SALARY                                           2      10    L2    4     |
    |    5 COMMISSIONS                                      2      10    L2    5     |
    |    6 TOTAL_EARNINGS                                   2      10    C     6     |
    |      *** END ***                                                               |
    |                                                                                |
  2. Press the Report function key to see the changed report.

    Figure 85. The changed report shows the new column headings.

    |   DEPT.          EMPLOYEE                            TOTAL                     |
    |   NUMBER  JOB      NAME         SALARY  COMMISSION  EARNINGS                   |
    |   ------  -----  ---------  ----------  ----------  ----------                 |
    |       15  CLERK  KERMISCH     12258.50      110.10  12368.60                   |
    |       15  CLERK  NGAN         12508.20      206.60  12714.80                   |
    |       15  SALES  ROTHMAN      16502.83     1152.00  17654.83                   |
    |       20  CLERK  JAMES        13504.60      128.20  13632.80                   |
    |       20  SALES  PERNAL       18171.25      612.45  18783.70                   |
    |       20  CLERK  SNEIDER      14252.75      126.50  14379.25                   |
    |       38  CLERK  ABRAHAMS     12009.75      236.50  12246.25                   |
    |       38  CLERK  NAUGHTON     12954.75      180.00  13134.75                   |
    |       38  SALES  O'BRIEN      18006.00      846.55  18852.55                   |
    |       38  SALES  QUIGLEY      16808.30      650.25  17458.55                   |
    |                                                                                |

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