Using QMF

Saving a new query

You can save your query in the database after you create it. You can run a saved query and display the report again. You can also add, delete, or change the information in a saved query.

To save a query: On the QMF command line of the SQL Query panel, enter:


QMF prompts you for the name you want to assign to the query.

You can also enter the following:

SAVE AS queryname

For example, to save your query in the database and name it MYQUERY, enter:


To save a query and share it with other users, add the SHARE=YES parameter to the SAVE command you are using as follows:

SAVE AS queryname (SHARE=YES

QMF saves your query in the database. The SQL Query panel displays with the name you gave the query. If you issue a SET GLOBAL command with the value DSQEC_SHARE=1 prior to issuing the SAVE command, the SHARE=YES parameter is not needed.

To retrieve a query from the database, enter:


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