Using QMF

Query Management Facility(TM)
Using QMF

Version 7 Release 2

Document Number SC27-0716-01



Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information under Appendix E, Notices.

Fifth Edition (March 2002)

This edition applies to Query Management Facility, a feature of Version 7 Release 1 of DB2 Universal Database Server for OS/390 (DB2 UDB for OS/390), 5675-DB2, and of Query Management Facility, a feature of Version 7 Release 1 of DATABASE 2 Server for VM and VSE, (DB2 for VM and VSE), 5697-F42, and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.

This edition replaces and makes obsolete the previous edition, SC26-9578-00.

The technical changes for this edition are indicated by a vertical bar to the left of a changes. A vertical bar to the left of figure caption indicates that the figure has changed. Editorial changes that have no technical significance are not noted.

(C) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1995, 2002. All rights reserved.
U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

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