All of these global variables can be modified by the SET GLOBAL command.
Callable Interface Variable Name | Command Interface Variable Name | Length | Description |
DSQDC_COST_EST | none | 01 | Optionally suppress database cost estimate.
Values can be:
DSQDC_CURRENCY | none | 18 | The currency symbol used when the DC edit code is specified. The value can be a string with a length from 1 to 18 bytes. For English, the default is the euro currency symbol. The default varies for other languages. In a DBCS environment, this value can be a mixed string of SBCS and DBCS characters. The total length of the mixed string, including the shift-out and shift-in characters, cannot exceed 18 bytes. |
DSQDC_DISPLAY_RPT | DSQADPAN | 01 | Display report after RUN QUERY. Values can
This global variable is for applications only. It has no effect when the RUN QUERY command is entered on the command line. |
DSQDC_LIST_ORDER | none | 02 | Sets the default sort order for objects in
a list of database objects. Values for the first character can be:
Values for the second character can be:
This variable applies only to objects that are listed as a result of the LIST command. It does not apply to lists produced in other contexts, such as from a Display prompt panel, and it does not apply to lists of tables. |
DSQDC_SCROLL_AMT | none | 04 | Sets the scroll amount for QMF panels. Values
can be:
DSQDC_SHOW_PANID | DSQCPDSP | 01 | Display panel IDs on CUA-like panels. Values
can be: