None of these global variables can be modified by the SET GLOBAL command.
Callable Interface Variable Name | Command Interface Variable Name | Length | Description |
DSQAO_APPL_TRACE | DSQATRAC | 01 | Application trace level. Values can be:
DSQAO_ATTENTION | DSQCATTN | 01 | User attention flag. |
DSQAO_BATCH | DSQABATC | 01 | Batch or interactive mode. Value will be:
DSQAO_CONNECT_ID | DSQAAUTH | 08 | The user ID used to connect to the database. (This is the user ID under which work is done.) |
DSQAO_CONNECT_LOC | none | 18 | The location name of the database to which the user is currently connected. The name is 18 characters (padded to the right with blanks, if necessary). |
DSQAO_CURSOR_OPEN | DSQACRSR | 01 | Database cursor status. Values can be:
DSQAO_DB_MANAGER | DSQADBMG | 01 | Database manager. Values can be:
DSQAO_DBCS | DSQADBCS | 01 | DBCS support status. Values can be:
DSQAO_FORM_PANEL | DSQASUBP | 02 | Current form panel. Values can be:
A blank value means the form does not exist in QMF temporary storage. |
DSQAO_INTERACT | DSQAIACT | 01 | Setting of interact flag. Values can be:
DSQAO_LOCAL_DB2 | none | 18 | The location name of the local DB2 database.
This is the location name for the subsystem named in the variable DSQAO_SUBSYS_ID.
In a remote unit of work environment, DSQ_LOCAL_DB2 is the name of the application requester. The name is 16 characters (padded to the right with blanks, if necessary). This field is blank if QMF is running in the VM or VSE environment. |
DSQAO_LOCATION | DSQAITLO | 16 | Location name of the current object, if any. This value is applicable only if a three-part name was used. |
DSQAO_NLF_LANG | DSQALANG | 01 | National language of user. For the English language environment, this is 'E'. |
DSQAO_NUM_FETCHED | DSQAROWS | 16 | Fetched data rows. Contains '0' when the DATA object is empty. |
DSQAO_OBJ_NAME | DSQAITMN | 18 | The name of the table (contained in a report), query, procedure, or form shown on the currently displayed panel. If the current panel does not display an object, or if the displayed object has no name, this variable contains blanks. |
DSQAO_OBJ_OWNER | DSQAITMO | 08 | The owner of the table (contained in a report), query, procedure, or form shown on the currently displayed panel. If the current panel does not display an object, or if the displayed object has no owner, this variable contains blanks. |
DSQAO_PANEL_TYPE | DSQAITEM | 01 | Type of current panel. Values can be:
DSQAO_QMF_RELEASE | DSQAREVN | 02 | Numeric release number of QMF. For QMF Version 7.2, this is '12'. |
DSQAO_QMF_VER_RLS | DSQAQMF | 10 | Version and release of QMF.
DSQAO_QMFADM | none | 01 | QMF Administrator Authority
DSQAO_QRY_SUBTYPE | DSQASUBI | 01 | Query subtype. Values can be:
DSQAO_QUERY_MODEL | DSQAMODL | 01 | Model of current query. Value can be '1' for RELATIONAL |
DSQAO_SAME_CMD | DSQACMDM | 01 | Values can be:
DSQAO_SUBSYS_ID | none | 04 | If QMF is running in TSO, this is the ID of
the local DB2 subsystem to which QMF is attached.
If you specify a value for the DSQSUBS program parameter from CMS or CICS, this global variable contains that value. This happens because the parameter is tolerated and the value is not processed; that is, the value is placed in the global variable field and nothing is done with it. This logic permits the same EXEC to be used in multiple environments. |
DSQAO_SYSTEM_ID | DSQASYST | 01 | Current operating system. Values can be:
DSQAO_TERMINATE | DSQCSESC | 01 | QMF termination flag. Values can be:
DSQAO_VARIATION | DSQAVARN | 02 | Form panel variation number. Blank means FORM.DETAIL is not the current panel. |