QMF temporary storage areas

Some objects in QMF are temporary. These temporary objects reside in QMF temporary storage areas. You have to save them or they disappear, either when you exit QMF or when you write something else over them.

When you save the contents of any of these QMF temporary storage areas, they are stored in the database.

There are five QMF temporary storage areas:

Holds a query you are writing, recently imported, or recently ran. To display the contents of QUERY, enter SHOW QUERY.
Holds a procedure you are writing, recently imported, or recently ran. To display the contents of PROC, enter SHOW PROC.
Holds your profile. To display the contents of PROFILE, enter SHOW PROFILE.
Holds an object that specifies how to format data. To display the contents of FORM, enter SHOW FORM.
Holds the data you imported or selected by the last query you ran or displayed. DATA is formatted by FORM to yield a report.

To display the contents of DATA, enter SHOW REPORT. This does not show DATA directly (nothing does); it shows the contents of DATA as formatted by FORM.

To display DATA in chart form using the Interactive Chart Utility (ICU), enter SHOW CHART.

The contents of a QMF temporary storage area are replaced when you do any of the following:

Tables in the database, such as Q.STAFF, are permanent. You must be authorized to erase tables from the database.

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