- Global variables can be used in queries, procedures, and forms. Preface
a variable with one or more ampersands (&) when you use it in a QMF object.
- A global variable name can contain a numeric character, but the first
character of a global variable name cannot be numeric.
- The first character of a global variable name must be an alphabetic character
(A through Z) or one of these special characters:
¢ ! $ ~ { } ?
@ # % \
- A global variable name cannot contain blanks or any of the following characters:
. , ; : < > ( ) | + - * /
= & ¬ ' "
- Variable names are limited to 17 single-byte characters (or the equivalent
in double-byte characters). Character constants do not need to be enclosed
in single quotes.
- In REXX, values for global variables are limited to 55 characters.
- On the SET GLOBAL command, variable names are not preceded with an ampersand
like they are on the RUN and CONVERT commands.
- Global variable names with question marks are not recognized by the QMF
- Global variables set to form variable names or aggregation variable names
are not recognized by the QMF form.
- Global variable names cannot begin with DSQ, because QMF reserves these
letters for QMF predefined global variables.
- Trailing blanks are not recognized in global variable names.
- If a variable is a character string that is a name (such as the name of
a column, a table, or an operator):
- Double all embedded quotation marks.
- Enclose the complete string in a set of single quotation marks. (These
quotation marks are not considered part of the value.)
For example, if the SELECT statement is:
The SET GLOBAL command is:
- If the variable is a character string that is to be used as a value contained
within a column (unique to the WHERE clause in an SQL statement) you can use
either of two methods to specify a string.
Method 1 (quotes)
- Start with the original string.
- Double all quotation marks (if any).
- Enclose the string in two sets of single quotation marks.
- Double all the embedded quotes (all but the outermost ones).
Method 2 (parentheses)
- Start with the original string.
- Enclose the string in one set of parentheses.
For example, if the SELECT statement is:
The Method 1 SET GLOBAL command is (substituting JAMES for variable
Method 2 example for the same SELECT statement is (substituting O'BRIEN for
variable ABC):
- If the variable contains a blank, comma, single quote, double quote, or
an equal sign, the entire value must be enclosed in a set of parentheses.
However, if the value includes an unmatched set of left or right parentheses
or begins or ends with a left or right parenthesis respectively, you must
use quotes instead.
For example, if the SELECT statement is:
The SET GLOBAL command is:
- At least one variable must be specified.
- If a quotation mark is required within a variable value, use two single
quotation marks.
- Do not use a query comment as variable value. A query comment is preceded
by two dashes (--), which the database interprets as minus signs.
- When you are setting many variables, it's easier to keep track of them
if you use a procedure.
- If the variable is a numeric string, you do not need to use quotation
- If the variable name is not found in the QMF product global variable pool,
a new variable is created.
- If variable name is found, the new value replaces the old value.