
The name for the QMF object in the database.
The name for the table in the database.

For an existing database object this can be the name of a TABLE, VIEW, SYNONYM, or ALIAS.

Indicates whether to replace the entire database table with the saved data or to append the saved data to the existing table.
Indicates whether QMF keywords contained within the saved form are recorded in English or in the current NLF session language.

A QMF form containing QMF keywords in English can be used in any QMF session. A QMF form containing QMF keywords in any other QMF national language can be used only in a session of that same QMF national language.

Indicates whether a confirmation panel is displayed when this command will replace an existing object in the database.
Determines whether other QMF users can access the saved object.
Stores a comment with the saved object. Comments up to 78 single-byte characters long can be recorded with this option.
The character string that makes up the content of the comment.

A value that contains blank characters must be surrounded with delimiters. Valid delimiters for a comment value are single quotes, parentheses, and double quotes. When the delimiters are double quotes, the double quotes are included as part of the comment.

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