Using remote data access
When issuing commands using distributed unit of work or remote unit of
- References to tables and views apply to the current location, unless a
three-part name or alias is used to refer to a different location.
- References to QMF procedures, queries, and forms in the database apply
to the current location. You cannot refer to a procedure, query, or form
with a three-part name.
- Data sets or files named in QMF commands must reside at the system on
which QMF is executing.
- CICS data queues named in QMF commands must be defined at the system on
which QMF is executing.
- References to stored profile values apply to the current location, except
for the TRACE parameter. See the appropriate Installing
and Managing QMF manual for more information on TRACE.
- When QMF is running in CICS/MVS, all database objects (tables, views,
procedures, queries, and forms) at remote DB2 locations are read only.
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