Interactive session with an Initial Procedure (DSQSRUN)

QMF starts an interactive session that runs an initial procedure when QMF is started using these keywords:


where xxxxx (the value of the DSQSRUN keyword) is the name of a QMF initial procedure. This keyword is explained in START command keyword.

After QMF starts, QMF runs the initial procedure. After this procedure ends, the user is in an interactive session, unless the current panel is the Home panel. If the current panel is the Home panel, QMF does not start an interactive session. Instead, QMF immediately restarts the initial procedure if both of the following statements are true:

You should avoid writing your initial procedure so that the current panel at the end of the procedure is the Home panel. If the Home panel is the current panel at the end of the initial procedure, an uninterruptible loop occurs; QMF can appear as though it is not starting or running the initial procedure. To avoid this, make sure that either of the following occurs:

When the end user issues an END command in the interactive session and DSQEC_RERUN_IPROC= 1, QMF simply restarts the initial procedure. Use the EXIT command to terminate the session.

When QMF is not started through the callable interface, you can use DSQ_RERUN_IPROC to control whether QMF reruns the initial procedure. If you set DSQEC_RERUN_IPROC = 0, then QMF terminates instead of rerunning the initial procedure when the END command runs. This variable has no effect on callable interface applications.

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