Some of the more important differences between the NLF environment and the English-language environment are:
The QMF language
Every NLF has a complete set of verbs and keywords for the QMF language. These verbs and keywords must appear in your QMF commands when you are operating in the NLF's language environment. For a given NLF, these words might be translated.
For example, suppose that in the German NLF, the verb DISPLAY and the keyword PROC were translated into ANZEIGEN and PROZEDUR, respectively. During a German-language session, QMF understands the command ANZEIGEN PROZEDUR, but does not understand DISPLAY PROC.
Some elements of the QMF language are command synonyms and can be translated. As a result, each NLF has its own uniquely named command synonym table. When the NLF is installed, its command synonym table is created, and the profile for the NLF indicates the command synonym table name for that NLF.
QMF panels and messages
Every NLF has a complete set of QMF messages and panels. Like the verbs and keywords for QMF commands, these might not be translated, but in most cases they are translated. Within the panels and messages, the fixed portions of text can be translated. Variable information, such as a query name, is not translated.
Allowable panel input
Many QMF panels, such as prompt panels and form panels requiring user input, restrict the range of some entries to a small set of keywords. Most of the allowable values are translated. YES and NO responses in English, for example, are JA and NEIN in German.
Profile parameter values
In a multilingual environment, users have a separate profile for each NLF they can use for a QMF session. For each of these profiles, the parameters are the same and have the same meanings. But, as part of QMF's supply of keywords, their names can be translated. For certain parameters, the values they can assume are translated also.
For example, in an English profile, the CASE parameter can have the value UPPER, STRING, or MIXED. In a German profile, the CASE parameter is the SCHRIFT parameter, and the values it might assume are GROSS, KETTE, and GEMISCHT.
Exported and saved form objects
The SAVE, EXPORT, and IMPORT commands let you specify the language in which you want form objects saved. You can save them in English, or in the presiding language of your current session. For more information on these commands, see QMF Reference.
Sample tables and queries
IBM might supply translated versions of the English sample tables and queries with some of its NLFs. For example, Japanese users have sample tables translated from the English tables.
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