For most QMF commands, you must change the presiding language variable before you can run the command in English. To display a prompt panel or message in a presiding language, however, some English commands must run in any NLF, even when the presiding language variable is not set to English.
For example, if you have an interactive application that you want to write in English and run in an NLF, you need to use the MESSAGE command to give the user customized messages. In addition, you need the INTERACT command to display the message, as in the following example, which can be run in a French NLF session:
proceed_text = 'Continue...' "RUN WEEKLY_Q" /* Use the English RUN command */ "SET GLOBAL (DSQEC_NLFCMD_LANG=0" /* switch back to French */ "MESSAGE (TEXT='"proceed_text"'" /* message in French */ "INTERACT" /* show the report with message */
The following commands work in any NLF: