Using the EDIT command with ISPF

When you run your QMF application under ISPF, you can edit your QMF SQL query or procedure using the following commands:


If you issue the QMF EDIT command from within a PROC or QUERY panel, you do not need to specify the PROC or QUERY object types. EDIT assumes these values when you invoke it from their respective panels. By default, the QMF EDIT command places your procedure or query in a PDF editor session. QMF starts the PDF editor using the QMF application ID DSQn, where n is the NLF identifier. QMF also sets the function keys and the location of the command line to match your QMF application.

To override this default, use the EDIT QUERY and EDIT PROC commands as follows:


name can be either of the following:

If you are using PDF EDIT options that require PDF PROFILE data set members, you must create those members. For example, the PDF EDIT RECOVERY option requires a DSQnEDRT PROFILE data set member (where n is the NLF character) that must exist before you use the EDIT command.

For more information about the QMF EDIT command, see online help and QMF Reference.

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