Return codes for the command interface are the same regardless of the language of your application. The return code can be positive or zero. A value of zero indicates successful execution. A positive value indicates that the execution failed or was in some way abnormal.
Return codes appear in a variable in the user's EXEC or CLIST. If you run a REXX EXEC, the return code is in the REXX variable called RC; if you run a CLIST, the return code is in the CLIST variable &LASTCC.
The following example shows an EXEC that examines a return code.
Your application contains the following code:
ADDRESS ISPEXEC SELECT PGM(DSQCCI) PARM(RUN QUERYA (FORM=FORMA)) Select When (RC = 0) Then nop When (RC = 64) Then Say "You must run QMF with ISPF to use command interface." When (RC = 100) Then Say "You need to start QMF before you begin your application" Otherwise Say "Unexpected error ("RC") from QMF command interface." End
The code runs a query and then tests for an error using REXX RC.
You can place code for handling errors in program modules as well as in EXECs or CLISTs.
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