Error handling

Unless you are running QMF in a CICS environment, you can use the QMF-provided REXX variables or the similar values in the DSQCOMM communications area for error handling in your applications.

For example, the REXX variable dsq_message_text or the message text field in the DSQCOMM contains a QMF message.

In REXX, QMF assigns one of the following values to the variable dsq_return_code at the completion of every QMF command:

Successful completion of the command
Normal completion with warnings
Command did not run correctly
Severe error; QMF session terminated

For the languages other than REXX, QMF places the same value in the return code field DSQ_RETURN_CODE of the DSQCOMM.

You can use these return codes and values in your applications. The following example shows how to use error-handling variables in a REXX callable interface application:

call dsqcix "CONVERT QUERY MYQUERY" if dsq_return_code ¬= dsq_success then ...
call dsqcix "PRINT REPORT" if dsq_return_code=dsq_severe | dsq_return_code=dsq_failure then ...

QMF also provides variables that contain message numbers and message text.

For a complete list of variables or fields in each DSQCOMM, see the appropriate section for each language in Appendix A. Sample Code for Callable Interface Languages.

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