Table record (T)

A table record follows the header record. Each IXF file, data set, or CICS data queue must have a T record. A table record contains table and data information concerning the file, data set, or CICS data queue being exported. The format of a T record is as follows:

Information and Type
01 Table record indicator (T)
02-03 Data name length (18)
04-21 Name of the table from which data is retrieved; left-justified, padded with blanks to the right. The entire 18-byte field is blank if the table does not have a name.
22-29 Data name qualifier. Name of the owner of the database table from which the data is retrieved. The 8-byte field is blank if the table does not have an owner.
30-41 Data source (database)
42 Convention used to describe data: C for columnar data
43 Data format: C for character (OUTPUTMODE=CHARACTER) M for machine (OUTPUTMODE=BINARY)
44 Data location: I for internal
45-49 Count of column (C) records. A numeric value in character form specifying the number of C records before the first data (D) record.
50-51 Reserved
52-81 Blanks
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