REXX programming example

The following program, DSQABFX, is shipped with QMF.

You can look at the sample source code listing here or you can access it online. For MVS, the sample program is a member of the library QMF710.SDSQEXCE; for VM, the sample program is on the production disk. REXX is not available in QMF CICS.

The sample program for the REXX callable interface performs the following function:

QMF does not supply query Q1 or form F1, but the sample program uses these objects.

Figure 66. DSQABFX, a sample REXX program
/* Sample Program:  DSQABFX                                         */
/* REXX Version of the SAA Query Callable Interface                 */
/* Start a query interface session                                  */
say dsq_message_id dsq_message_text
if dsq_return_code = dsq_severe then exit dsq_return_code
/* Set numeric values into query using SET command                  */
call dsqcix "SET GLOBAL (MYVAR01=20,SHORT=40,MYVAR03=84"
say dsq_message_id dsq_message_text
if dsq_return_code = dsq_severe then exit dsq_return_code
/* Run a Query                                                      */
call dsqcix "RUN QUERY Q1"
say dsq_message_id dsq_message_text
if dsq_return_code = dsq_severe then exit dsq_return_code
/* Print the results of the query                                   */
call dsqcix "PRINT REPORT (FORM=F1)"
say dsq_message_id dsq_message_text
if dsq_return_code = dsq_severe then exit dsq_return_code
/* End the query interface session                                  */
call dsqcix "EXIT"
say dsq_message_id dsq_message_text
exit dsq_return_code
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