Function calls for FORTRAN

QMF provides two function calls for the FORTRAN language: DSQCIF and DSQCIFE. Both calls are described in the communications macro DSQCOMMF.


This call is for QMF commands that do not require access to application program variables. Use this call for most QMF commands.

+     CMDLTH,
+     CMDSTR)

The parameters have the following values:

The communications area
Length of the command string, CMDSTR. It is an integer parameter.
QMF command to run. It is an uppercase character string of the length specified by CMDLTH.


This call has an extended syntax for the three commands that require access to application program variables: START and the extended formats of GET GLOBAL and SET GLOBAL.

The syntax for this call is:

+     CMDLTH,
+     CMDSTR,
+     PNUM,
+     KLTH,
+     KWORD,
+     VLTH,
+     VALUE,
+     VTYPE)

The parameters have the following values:

The interface communications area.
Length of the command string, CMDSTR; it is an integer parameter.
QMF command to run. It is an uppercase character string of the length specified by CMDLTH.
Number of command keywords. It is an integer parameter.
Length of each specified keyword. It is an integer parameter or parameter array.
QMF keyword or keywords. It is a character or structure of characters whose lengths are the same as specified by KLTH. You can use an array of characters, if all of the keywords have the same length. QMF assumes that the keywords are in contiguous storage and are not separated by any special separator characters.
Length of each value associated with the keyword, and is an integer parameter or parameter array.
Value associated with each keyword. Its type is specified in the VTYPE parameter and can be a character, structure of characters, integer parameter, or parameter array. If you have character values, QMF assumes that the values are in contiguous storage, not separated by any special separator characters.
QMF data type of the value string VALUE. VTYPE can have one of two values, which are provided in the communications macro, DSQCOMMF:

All of the values specified in the VALUE field must have the data type specified in VTYPE.

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