The DSQCOMM changed between Version 2 Release 4 and Version 3.2.
The Version 3.2 DSQCOMM provides message text that is especially useful if there is an error in your START command. If you want to use the new DSQCOMM, you need to reassemble your program and initialize DSQ_COMM_LEVEL (in DSQCOMM) to DSQ_CURRENT_COMM_LEVEL. If you do not set this value, QMF treats your DSQCOMM as a Version 2 Release 4 level.
The Version 3.2 level of DSQCOMM is 512 bytes long, which is an increase from the 256 bytes available in Version 2 Release 4. Any instructions that are used to move or initialize this structure that had a 256-byte limit (such as MVC) must be changed to use instructions that work on a larger data area.
The DSQCIA changed between Version 3 Release 1 Modification 1 and Version 3 Release 2. The interface between the QMF-supplied function call and the main QMF program changed from a CALL interface to an EXEC CICS LINK interface. The new interface provides better isolation from the user program and the QMF product. Because the interface has changed, you need to link-edit your programs that used the callable interface again.