Record length of the print device is too small.
The record length of the print device you are using is too small to contain lines of the minimum width for QMF.
By some operation outside QMF, change the record length of the print device to at least 22, and use a line width no larger than the record length.
Use a GDDM PRINTER that has a page depth from &V4 to 999.
The GDDM printer &V2 has a page depth which is too small to print &V1.. The printer is defined to have a page depth of &V3.. The name of a GDDM PRINTER can either be specified as an option on the PRINT command, on the PROFILE panel, or on the PRINT command prompt panel.
Enter the name of a GDDM PRINTER that has a page depth from &V4 to 999.
The file being imported is incomplete.
The external data set named in your IMPORT command does not contain some of the records needed for its QMF format. The file may have been cut short when it was exported, for lack of external space, or it may have been edited outside QMF. (Do not attempt to edit a form or QBE query outside QMF.)
Export the file again, and then import it again.
File being imported is empty.
You are attempting to import a QBE query or a form that has nothing in it.
To be imported, a form or QBE query should first have been created under QMF and then exported. Export the file again and then import it again. Do not attempt to change it outside QMF.
GDDM error &1. Severity &2. Function &3.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
You have no more storage space.
Your command cannot be executed because you do not have any space left in your virtual storage or in the QMF internal buffer.
Use a RESET DATA command. This should give you additional storage space. If you are not using DATA now, perhaps more storage space is necessary for your session. If this error repeats, contact your QMF administrator. If you are running a QBE query, reduce your query operation rows until you no longer receive the message.
Free storage failed.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
GDDM error &1. Severity &2. Function &3.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
See DSQ40067
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
GDDM error &1. Severity &2. Function &3.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
See DSQ40067
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
GDDM error &1. Severity &2. Function &3.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
See DSQ40067
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
GDDM error &1. Severity &2. Function &3.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
GDDM error &1. Severity &2. Function &3.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
See DSQ40067
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
See DSQ40067
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Window Manager has been passed invalid parameter data.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
See DSQ40067
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
See DSQ40067
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
See DSQ40067
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
GDDM error &1. Severity &2. Function &3.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
See DSQ40067
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
GDDM error &1. Severity &2. Function &3.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
See DSQ40067
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
GDDM error &1. Severity &2. Function &3.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Module &1 has been passed invalid parameter data.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
Panel Manager was returned an invalid result code.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
Module &1 has detected an error.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
Panel Manager is unable to determine the panel transition.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
Module &1 has detected an error.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
See DSQ40067
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Table name &V1 after FROM needs a table label.
The SQL command contains a table name as a qualifier which occurs two or more times after FROM. Since the table name is not unique, each table name after FROM needs a unique table label to qualify the column names.
Add unique table labels to the table names after FROM and run your query again.
See DSQ40067
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
&V1 is not a valid scroll value.
The scroll value you entered is not a number, or is not the number of an item in the list.
Enter the number of the item to which you want to scroll. Then press Enter.
Scroll value and scroll key conflict.
You entered a scroll value that would scroll the list in one direction, but also pressed a key that would scroll the list in the other.
Either type a scroll value and press Enter, or press one of the scroll keys.
OK, &1 performed. Please proceed.
You are at the boundary of the panel.
The display was unchanged by &V1 because you were positioned on the boundary of the panel when you gave the command.
Continue with another operation.
&V1 command cannot be used now.
You have issued a command which is not valid from this panel, or you have issued a command which is not valid in this operating environment (for example, CICS).
Choose a different command.
Unexpected result &1 from package &2.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
&V1 is not a valid selection number.
The value you entered is not a number, or not a number of a selection in the list.
Each of the valid selections in the list is preceded by a number. Select one and type it in the input space at the top of the list. Then press Enter.
&V1 is not selectable.
You entered the number of a list item which is not currently selectable.
Each of the valid selections in the list is preceded by a number. Select one and type it in the input space at the top of the list. Then press Enter.
Select a choice from the list.
You did not select a choice from the list when one was required.
The choices in the list that you may select are numbered. Choose one of them and type the number in the input space at the top of the list. Then press Enter.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Object type is not SQL or QBE for TOC or index.
This is a system error. Please see your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
&V1 is not a letter or valid topic number.
The value you entered is not a letter, or not a number of a selection in the list.
Each index entry is followed by a number. Select a number, or enter an index letter to scroll to another part of the index. Then press Enter.
There are no topics in INDEX for &V1, the letter you entered.
You entered a letter for which there are no entries in the index.
Each index entry is followed by a number. Select a number, or enter an index letter to scroll to another part of the index. Then press Enter.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Object type is not SQL or QBE for TOC or index.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
&V1 is not a unique topic word.
&V1, the topic word you entered, is either invalid or incomplete.
Each table of contents entry is preceded by a number and followed by a keyword. To look at a topic, enter either the number or the keyword for that topic. If you entered only part of the keyword, there may be more than one matching keyword. Enter the complete keyword for the entry you want and press Enter.
&V1 is not a valid topic word or number.
&V1, the value you entered, is not a valid keyword or selection number.
Each table of contents entry is preceded by a number and followed by a keyword. To look at a topic, enter either the number or the keyword for that topic.
See DSQ40464
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Object type is not SQL or QBE for TOC or index.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Incorrect format found for Help Panel.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
Unexpected result &1 from package &2.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Required storage could not be allocated.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Required storage could not be allocated.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Substitution variable value not found for Help Panel.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
Substitution variable value too long for Help Panel.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
Substitution variable value not found for Help Panel.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Substitution variable value too long for Help Panel.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Required storage could not be allocated.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Required storage could not be allocated.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Incorrect format found for Help Panel.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Substitution variable value not found for Help Panel.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Incorrect format found for Help Panel.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Required storage could not be allocated.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Required storage could not be allocated.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Incorrect format found for Help Panel.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Required storage could not be allocated.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Substitution variable value too long for Help Panel.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Prompt Panel title too long to be displayed.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
Required storage could not be allocated.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Required storage could not be allocated.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
&V1 cannot be listed or is invalid for the &V2 command.
You have used the LIST function key after entering an object type - &V1 - which is invalid for one of these reasons:
Check the command prompt panel for a list of the valid object types. At least one of the following is valid:
Check the object type you have entered and make sure it is valid. Leave this field blank and press the LIST function key to see ALL object types.
Required storage could not be allocated.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Incorrect format found for Help Panel.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Panel &1 does not exist.
This is a system error. See your system administrator for assistance, or consult the Installing and Managing QMF manual for your operating system.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
See DSQ40462
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
See DSQ40463
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
See DSQ40464
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Required storage could not be allocated.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
The database does not support 3-part names.
The name you specified has a location qualifier "&V1". The database you are using does not support location qualifiers.
Remove the location qualifier "&V1" and retry your command. See your QMF administrator to make sure you are using the correct database.
This field does not support the LIST function.
The LIST function is only available from fields that have a + to the right of them.
Move your cursor to an appropriate field and request LIST again.
QMF objects cannot be listed when a location is specified.
You used a location name when requesting a list of QMF objects (queries, procedures, or forms). Location names cannot be used to refer to QMF objects.You can use only those QMF objects that are stored on your current database.
If you would like to see a list of QMF objects that are stored on your current database, do not specify a location name when requesting the list.
Required storage could not be allocated.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Incorrect format found for Help Panel.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Required storage could not be allocated.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Required storage could not be allocated.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
OK, &1 performed. Please proceed.
Required storage could not be allocated.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Required storage could not be allocated.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Free storage failed.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
Incorrect format found for Help Panel.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.
OK, END command executed successfully.
OK, HELP performed; proceed.
OK, HELP performed; proceed.
OK, HELP performed; proceed.
OK, HELP performed; proceed.
OK, HELP performed; proceed.
Panel &1 does not exist.
Follow the directions in the referenced message.