Interrupt messages (TSO and CMS)

QMF provides a special set of messages for situations in which either the user or the system interrupts QMF processing. These messages all begin with DSQ505 and deal with the interruption of QMF processing. QMF does not use the Message Handler or provide help text for these messages.


DSQ50517  QMF has Abnormally Terminated
          -->Abend Code =
          -->Program Name =
          -->CSECT Name =
          -->CSECT Address =
          -->CSECT Offset of ABEND =
          -->Program Status Word =
          -->General Registers (0-F) Are:
          -->QMF CSECT Trace:
          ==>Press PA1 key to enter CP Debug Mode.

          ==>Press ENTER key to continue QMF termination (CMS only).


DSQ50518  QMF Abnormal Termination in process.
DSQ50519  QMF cannot record Abnormal Termination information.
          Record the following information:
          -->Program Name =
          -->CSECT Name =
          -->CSECT Address =
          -->CSECT Offset of ABEND =
          -->Program Status Word =
          -->General Registers (0-F) Are:
          -->QMF CSECT Trace:
          ==>Press PA1 key to enter CP Debug Mode.

          ==>Press ENTER key to continue QMF termination.
DSQ50546  QMF command interrupted!    Clear screen and press enter.
DSQ50547  QMF command interrupted!    Do one of the following:
          ==> To continue QMF command,     type  "CONT".
          ==> To cancel QMF command,       type  "CANCEL".
          ==> To enter QMF debug,          type  "DEBUG".

DSQ50548  OK, QMF command continues ....
DSQ50549  Wrong reply, QMF command continues ....
DSQ50550  OK, trying to cancel QMF command.
DSQ50551  OK, QMF debug entered. QMF CSECT trace is:
          ==> To continue QMF command,     type   CONT
          ==> To cancel QMF command,       type   CANCEL
          ==> To abnormally terminate QMF, type   ABEND
          ==> To set QMF trace,   type  TRACEALL or TRACENONE
DSQ50552  QMF is being abnormally terminated.
DSQ50553  No, cannot set QMF trace. It is being used - try later.
DSQ50554  No, cannot cancel, error being processed.
DSQ50560  Shutdown requested by operator; finish work and end session.
DSQ50561  Database Manager no longer active; end session immediately.
DSQ50565  Session has ended with errors, reason code =
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