QMF Version 7.2 Enhancements
QMF Version 7.2 includes enhancements for data distributed
data across the enterprise, for DB2 feature integration, and for
ease of use. New features and support include:
- End user enhancements
- The QMF LIST TABLES command has been enhanced to work with authority
groups defined by DB2 secondary authorization IDs.
- The QMF Installation User Exit Facility, DSQUOPTS, has been
added so that QMF users can override default values for global variables DSQEC_SHARE
- The QMF CONNECT command now provides uniform support of DB2
for OS/390 USERID and PASSWORD across three QMF platforms: VM, VSE,
OS/390 and z/OS.
- Users are now prompted before discarding modifications in QUERY, PROC,
FORM, and PROFILE objects. This is based on the new global variables
(see Administrator Enhancements below). If changes are in danger
of being discarded, the user is prompted for confirmation.
- Support has been added for several new DB2 UDB for OS/390 and z/OS
Version 7.1 SQLCODES.
- Administrator enhancements
- New global variables DSQAO_QMFADM and DSQEC_DISABLEADM have
been added to aid QMF Administrator in status checking and function
and DSQEC_PROTECT_ENABLE have been added to provide protection for
modifications in QUERY, PROC, FORM, and PROFILE objects.
- DB2 for OS/390 and z/OS installations can benefit from the introduction
and formalization of a new QMF user exit library, QMF720.SDSQEXIT.
The QMF user exit library can be used to store the user modified
version of DSQUOPTS, local user time and date exits, QMF edit codes,
and QMF callable interface programs.
- IBM License Manager (ILM) for QMF Version 7.2 on OS/390 has been
enabled. The applicability of this support is dependent upon the
availability of the z/OS IBM License Manager component.
- QMF on VM, VSE and z/OS can now connect to DB2 for Linux/390 as
an application server.
- A new job has been added to OS/390 and to VM to create or recreate all
QMF Views on any supported DB2 database. This will also create the
appropriate QMF List Views to enable DB2 secondary authorization
- Application enabling
- The SET GLOBAL command has been expanded to allow PROCEDURE
author to set the value of a global variable to the value of another
global variable.
- A new @IF REXX function has been added to FORM.CALC, FORM.CONDITIONS,
and FORM.COLUMNS definitions to provide an extended ability to conditionally
alter the display of data and improved NULL, Overflow, and Undefined
processing. This spreadsheet-like function provides QMF report authors
with extended control over report output that is based on input
- Publications
- The three Installing and Managing QMF manuals
(OS/390, VM, and VSE) have been combined into one book. The installing
parts remain separate by platform in the front of the book, while
the managing parts in the second half of the book have been merged.
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