QMF Support Center
QMF for Windows Version 8 Release FixPack 2
QA Abstract
QMF-1813 Inability to select headings of measure and side groups columns with a click on the appropriate row selector in the query results view.
QMF-1845 The most recently used view of a query is not restored when that query is re-opened.
QMF-1951 For BiDi versions of QMF for Windows (Arabic, Hebrew), dragging tables to new positions within the diagram view workspace can cause other tables to disappear from the workspace.
QMF-2123 SQL0351N LOB data types are not supported.
QMF-2124 Data included in a visual layout may be incomplete when a large query result set is used as a data source.
QMF-2281 Unsupported SELECT statement not handled properly when switching between the prompted, diagram and SQL views of the query.
QMF-2411 When working with a pie chart visual layout, if you select "include the percentage the value represents of the whole pie", nothing is included in the pie chart layout.
QMF-2483 The SendTo command from the Reports menu is disabled for visual reports.
QMF-2685 An incorrect message is issued when a visual report cannot be retrieved from the server.
QMF-2689 Under some circumstances, the Data Source dialog is not immediately opened when creating a visual report.
QMF-2700 A MS Excel internal error can occur when switching between 7.2 and 8.1 versions of QMF for Windows.
QMF-2788 Query cannot be represented in the prompted view if the contents of a sort condition column is an expression.
QMF-2823 Enhancement to improve data retrieval performance.
QMF-2923 Error displaying classic report column headings when using the Form Conditions option to change headings based on the value in a particular column.
QMF-2941 Cursor is not positioned correctly in the SQL text after a query is run and user switches to the SQL view.
QMF-2953 Procedures that include a closing parenthesis fail.
QMF-2969 The Database Explorer is not properly displaying the contents of the Stored Procedures branch that falls under the schema node for an OLAP cube after a refresh is requested.
QMF-2981 QMF for Windows Unicode version corrupts LOB data that is stored on a server connected to using TCP/IP.
QMF-3013 The procedure command EXPORT DATA cannot export in text format.
QMF-3016 Crash can occur when adding a calculated column to the query results and the new calculated column refers to a column that has been assigned a PCT usage code.
QMF-3034 The function AUTORESIZE does not work on column headers in the query results.
QMF-3038 If OLAP query results are stored as a result of a stoppage, they cannot be restored due to a connection error and the disappearance of data.
QMF-3040 Error occurs in QMF for Windows Unicode version when saving data on a server that is connected to using CLI, and a data column has a precision value greater than 7.
QMF-3045 Crash can occur when opening an XML data file that has missing column information.
QMF-3083 The correct font information for the query result set is not saved with the query if the default specifications are not MS Sans Sarif 10, font color black and background color white.
QMF-3092 Crash occurs when converting a classic report that includes breaks to a visual report.
QMF-3099 Procedures using a REXX logic statement such as "A=1" or "J=1" to create a variable fail to create the variable.
QMF-3122 Error occurs when using a synonym on the command line.
QMF-3127 Visual reports that were created based on existing query results and then saved on the server cannot be found in the QMF catalog.
QMF-3130 Default header attributes for layouts are lost.
QMF-3152 Crash occurs when working with OLAP query results in the Layout Designer window with the Online mode check box unchecked.
QMF-3158 Unable to edit any incorrect information that has been specified for a classic form's "Breaks" pages 2 through 6.
QMF-3162 A query parsing error can occur when viewing query dependencies in the Database Explorer or changing to the prompted or SQL view in a query window for queries that are at least a three-way UNION, and the data type of one of the selected columns is TIMESTAMP.
QMF-3163 Unable to open a query that has been saved in the prompted view with a server Identifier Delimiter other then a single (') or double (") quote.
QMF-3165 Cannot reset global variable value using the "Change Global Variables dialog".
QMF-3170 The TERMINATE button is in the wrong position in the "Connection Details" dialog window.
QMF-3172 From the Database Explorer, you cannot copy tables from server to anotherr if the tables to be copied have no object schema.
QMF-3174 Dragging a table that is listed for a server in the Database Explorer tree from one position to another position corrupts the display of the table entries.
QMF-3191 Crash may occur if changes are made to an OLAP query layout after there was a fetch-on-demand operation such as a group expansion.
QMF-3215 Unable to change the format of the resulting calculated (virtual) column that has been created using a column with a NUMERIC data type.
QMF-3227 Layout Designer window is not restored properly for new query results after previous query results closed.
QMF-3238 DB2 standard data types are returned as UDTs in CLI connections to DB2 UDB for z/OS V8 with DB2 V7.2 Client.
QMF-3239 Unable to run a query that has been added to the Favorites folder in Report Center using the "New Report linked to locally save query" command.
QMF-3243 The Tables branch of the Database Explorer tree is not being refreshed correctly after tables are added or deleted.
QMF-3247 Crash occurs if a query that is saved in the prompted view (.pq file) is corrupted and then used as a data source for a visual report.
QMF-3249 In Report Center, OLAP queries are treated as non-SELECT SQL queries.
QMF-3256 Invalid user ID and password messages are issued when connecting to different servers via a procedure using the CONNECT command.
QMF-3259 Duplicate error message displays when attempting to open an object not linked to a server in the SDF using the Database Explorer.
QMF-3265 Quickly expanding and collapsing any object that is listed in the Database Explorer tree will initiate the action for the selected object.
QMF-3278 Unable to retrieve LOB values on demand against a DB2 for z/OS server.
QMF-3279 Problems occur when switching to the diagram view when correlation IDs are longer than one character.
QMF-3280 Pressing the Copy button on the Error dialog box incorrectly copies the displayed message text to the Windows clipboard.
QMF-3283 When typing a query in the diagram view, keyboard errors occur when entering punctuation characters.
QMF-3284 Unquoted values not accepted as row conditions when working with queries in the diagram view.
QMF-3285 Errors occur when charting query results.
QMF-3287 The maximum number of connections resource limit is not working properly.
QMF-3289 Crash occurs when closing a new visual report that was opened against a query that has not been run.
QMF-3290 Unable to open a data source for a Layout document that has been saved with a type of ANY.
QMF-3297 Loop occurs in the results view when the query results extend off the bottom of the active window and after selecting the first data cell you press the PAGEDOWN key.
QMF-3299 The CASE statement is not maintained when switching between the prompted view of an SQL query and the diagram view of the same SQL query.
QMF-3301 Different results are displayed when switching between the prompted view of an SQL query and the diagram view of the same SQL query.
QMF-3303 Unable to automatically point all user profiles to a specific path to the SDF.
QMF-3305 For visual reports that include top and side groups, expressions are not displayed correctly when the report is printed, exported or previewed.
QMF-3309 Rows in the results set that do not have a null SQLCA are ignored.
QMF-3310 Crash occurs when creating a visual report from a form that includes one break level.
QMF-3316 Data after the first LOB column is not fetched when using an ODBC data source.
QMF-3326 Queries are returning a read-only result set.
QMF-3327 Display errors occur in the OLAP query explorer tree when filtering OLAP queries.
QMF-3328 Errors in the order of the breaks will occur when creating a classic form from a query that has several breaks and across grouping.
QMF-3331 Crash occurs when opening a classic form file (.frm) and this file is already opened by another application.
QMF-3336 Reports created using OLAP query results are missing data.
QMF-3338 The Select All command from the Edit menu does not work when the query result set in the active window is empty.
QMF-3343 SQL error code 551 occurs when granting permissions to execute the user packages via the GRANT PERMISSIONS window of the QMF for Windows Administrator application.
QMF-3345 When using an ODBC connection with a prompted query, "Convert to SQL" can result in invalid SQL being generated.
QMF-3346 When none is specified, an incorrect extension is assigned to a query that is saved in the prompted view.
QMF-3351 When a query is in the prompted view, display errors occur when you change a column to use the CAST function.
QMF-3354 A new function called FORMAT has been added to the conditional expression builder.
QMF-3359 When exporting a report in PDF or HTML format, line-break characters are incorrect.
QMF-3361 A new procedure command IMPORT REPORT has been added that enables usersto import visual reports.
QMF-3363 An error occurs when a procedure imports a form using the IMPORT FORM command and immediately exports a report using the EXPORT REPORT command.
QMF-3365 An incorrect graph type displays when you select Display Chart from the Results menu and select "Java" as the application to use to display the chart.
QMF-3369 A new procedure command DISPLAY REPORT has been added that enables users to open visual reports that have been saved on the server.
QMF-3372 Error occurs when retrieving LOB values on demand using a DRDA server.
QMF-3376 Application hangs when retrieving LOB values from a partial result set.
QMF-3390 Errors occur when opening a saved classic form with a substitution variable that uses a saved query as a data source.
QMF-3397 Report titles beyond a given length cause an application crash when running interactively and report title corruption when running via the QMF APIs.
QMF-3409 Queries saved in the prompted view in non-DB2 databases are listed incorrectly and cannot be opened using from the Database Explorer.
QMF-3413 The Prepare command in the Query menu should be disabled for CALL statements and static queries.
QMF-3417 The ExportReport function fails, when creating a classic report and the requested server does not have a catalog server.
QMF-3427 The Schemas branch of the Database Explorer is not displaying existing Visual Reports and Layouts.
QMF-3433 Enhancement to support primary keys, UDTs and LLS while importing and exporting files in IXF format.
QMF-3439 Crash occurs when adding a table to a query in the prompted view when using an Informix ODBC data source.
QMF-3465 Crash occurs when you open a saved Job with a non-existent server name in SDF.
QMF-3471 The display in a report differs from QMF TSO when the option PASS NULLS=yes has been specified for a form calculation.
QMF-3475 Crash occurs when using the MAIL DATA TO command in a procedure.
QMF-3476 Incorrect CCSID setting when saving query results as a CSV file.
QMF-3479 Incorrect display of the "Enter Substitution Variable Values" dialog when QMF is closed.
QMF-3483 Activating the Query menu deselects any text that was selected when the SQL view of a relational query document is active.
QMF-3485 Timeout error occurs when saving data for a large result set using a TCP/IP connection.
QMF-3493 Enhancements to support binding static SQL queries with host variables of UDT data types and executing stored procedures with parameters of UDT data types.
QMF-3497 When running QMFW with command line parameter "/Automation", excessive timeout checks consumed 100% of CPU.
QMF-3501 The content of the Database Explorer window disappears when you select the Database Explorer tab in the Explorer window, attempt to tab through the fields, and then hit the "Esc" or "Enter" key.
QMF-3502 When editing variables in many editable listboxes, the position of the editor in the listbox is corrupted after resizing.
QMF-3507 For any language UI other than English, crash may occur during the process of working with procedures.
QMF-3509 A crash can occur when opening the Database Explorer References branch for a query that has been saved in the prompted view.
QMF-3513 When working with queries in the prompted view, the Sort Conditions dialog window is not properly tracking and displaying the selected sort condition columns.