IBM(R) DB2(R) QMF for Workstation & DB2 QMF for WebSphere, Version 9 Release 1, Fix Pack 16 README CONTENTS 1.0 ABOUT THIS README FILE 2.0 PROBLEMS CORRECTED IN QMF FOR WORKSTATION 9.1 FIX PACK 16 3.0 PROBLEMS CORRECTED IN QMF FOR WEBSPHERE 9.1 FIX PACK 16 *************************** 1.0 ABOUT THIS README FILE *************************** Welcome to DB2 QMF for Workstation and DB2 QMF for WebSphere, Version 9 Release 1, Fix Pack 16 README file. This README file contains descriptions of fixes for DB2 QMF for Workstation and DB2 QMF for WebSphere. ************************************************************* 2.0 PROBLEMS CORRECTED IN QMF for Workstation 9.1 Fix Pack 16 ************************************************************* QMFDQ-8361 Edit row dialog appears after using vertical scroll bar. QMFDQ-8509 The tree is not updated after adding the object. QMFDQ-8574 After clicking Refresh in QMF Catalog Wizard, the Create or Update catalog tables is not available. QMFDQ-8634 Error while opening a query report. QMFDQ-9381 Unnecessary message appears about QMF license interoperability. QMFDQ-9468 Object Tracking: Row count column in Q.OBJ_ACTIVITY_DTL is always 0. QMFDQ-9635 Conditional name and expression fields are erased after changing foreground color. QMFDQ-9724 INSERT, CREATE commands disappear from Content Assist list in the second line of query. QMFDQ-9752 A comment of overwritten repository objects does not display, if the repository explorer tree has not been refreshed. QMFDQ-9772 Editing the OLAP query after saving it doesn't change the query status to "modified". QMFDQ-9773 Value of global variable isn't saved after changing the language. QMFDQ-9782 Dashboards and Visual reports are shown as folders in Search View. QMFDQ-9785 Accelerators for Run are displayed in menu item but do not work. QMFDQ-9793 An error occurs when opening visual report with empty 'locale' element. QMFDQ-9799 Rename Object dialog is shown unexpectedly. QMFDQ-9800 When switching languages, the name of the last opened folder is written in the first language. QMFDQ-9959 Multiline text for label in a visual report is displayed in one line in HTML mode. QMFDQ-9967 Errors occur when creating a Conditional Format in a query. QMFDQ-10589 Background result set row fetching progress is not displayed in thin client. QMFDQ-10715 The command line disappears when working with queries and reports. QMFDQ-10731 DSQQW_PROC_FAIL_ON_ERROR global variable does not save its value after application relaunch. QMFDQ-10737 Save At QMF Catalog: error message appears when trying to replace object saved with "Share object with other users" unchecked. QMFDQ-10820 QUERY: Empty row appears after clicking on Sort button in the Results tab. QMFDQ-10839 (Volkswagen) To be able to use single-used password for repository connections. QMFDQ-10877 XMLA OLAP Cube is marked by '*' on opening. QMFDQ-10879 Procedure with "BOTTOM" or "FORWARD MAX" command works incorrectly. The first page of Result Set will be shown, but the focus should be on the last page of query result. QMFDQ-10892 Application error occurs during renaming of virtual data source in Search view. QMFDQ-10897 Hidden folders are found after Search in repository. QMFDQ-10899 Object types list should not contain 'JOB'. QMFDQ-10902 Empty 'Visual Report' node are in the Search view after search of Legacy Visual Report. QMFDQ-10906 Running the Reset Global command without parameters yields an error. QMFDQ-10982 Ok button is always available in the Open From Repository dialog. QMFDQ-10992 "Display Report" command does nothing if a side group is expanded in OLAP query results. QMFDQ-11007 XML aggregation without ORDER BY Clause yields an error. QMFDQ-11026 'Enter Substitution Variable Values' dialog appears after changing of render mode for Object Tracking Report. QMFDQ-11028 Scheduler does not work with procedures in REXX. QMFDQ-11040 SHOW command works incorrectly. QMF shows tab of a FORM instead of tab of a REPORT. QMFDQ-11042 PROCEDURE: file is not changed after EXPORT command. QMFDQ-11043 PROCEDURE: EXPORT command with parameter MODE=RAW for pdf format contains calculated column. QMFDQ-11044 PROCEDURE: SHOW command causes an error message if the query is not run. QMFDQ-11047 Content Assist list does not appear in QMF for WebSphere. QMFDQ-11049 PROCEDURE: Empty table appears in SQL tab of the query after executing SHOW commands. QMFDQ-11055 The table definition is incomplete because the primary key index or unique key index is not defined when exporting result sets using primary key defined. QMFDQ-11064 EXPORT TO: Archive with exported file is invalid if the file name contains special symbols. QMFDQ-11065 Error message "The printer name 'null' is invalid" appears if you run procedure PRINT QUERY. QMFDQ-11066 QUERY: "Retrieve all" is not accessible for a multiple result set query. QMFDQ-11100 Some nodes from 'Repository Explorer' are displayed with incorrect names in 'Recently Used' list. QMFDQ-11118 The support for SQL JDBC 4.0 specification is required for new JDBC drivers now available. QMFDQ-11140 An error occurs at 'Export to Excel' for an MDX query. QMFDQ-11145 Unnecessary columns are added in exported file ith Export to Excel. QMFDQ-11148 A Prompted Query created in QMF for TSO is opened in SQL view in QMF for Workstation/WebSphere. QMFDQ-11168 The "=>" operator in the Content Assist list is incorrectly displayed. QMFDQ-11175 IMPORT command allows you to load files from server in thin client using full path names. QMFDQ-11190 Wrong name of wizard for creating Shared Repository appears on the context menu. QMFDQ-11195 Checked "Remember the password" option may cause several automatic attempts to establish connection with wrong or expired password. QMFDQ-11205 Export and import of double data to and from an IXF file. QMFDQ-11206 Implement versioning for static query packages. QMFDQ-11208 Refresh, Link with Editor and Disconnect buttons in the Repository Explorer are not disabled when user disconnects from repository. QMFDQ-11217 Edit Repository Connection dialog: If error appears when user selects "Refresh" button, the "Finish" button does not enter any of the previously set changes. QMFDQ-11253 If an active repository connection name changes, the confirm applied changes dialog does not appear. QMFDQ-11271 If an error occurs while editing repository connection, the Repository name combobox text is not cleared. QMFDQ-11281 Export Result Set: some of "NULL" values are displayed as "0". QMFDQ-11290 An error occurs when running a query that contains CASE expression. ************************************************************* 3.0 PROBLEMS CORRECTED IN QMF FOR WEBSPHERE 9.1 FIX PACK 16 ************************************************************* QMFDQ-8361 Edit row dialog appears after using vertical scroll bar. QMFDQ-8509 The tree is not updated after adding the object. QMFDQ-8574 After clicking Refresh in QMF Catalog Wizard, the Create or Update catalog tables is not available. QMFDQ-8634 Error while opening a query report. QMFDQ-9381 Unnecessary message appears about QMF license interoperability. QMFDQ-9468 Object Tracking: Row count column in Q.OBJ_ACTIVITY_DTL is always 0. QMFDQ-9635 Conditional name and expression fields are erased after changing foreground color. QMFDQ-9724 INSERT, CREATE commands disappear from Content Assist list in the second line of query. QMFDQ-9752 A comment of overwritten repository objects does not display, if the repository explorer tree has not been refreshed. QMFDQ-9772 Editing the OLAP query after saving it doesn't change the query status to "modified". QMFDQ-9773 Value of global variable isn't saved after changing the language. QMFDQ-9782 Dashboards and Visual reports are shown as folders in Search View. QMFDQ-9785 Accelerators for Run are displayed in menu item but do not work. QMFDQ-9793 An error occurs when opening visual report with empty 'locale' element. QMFDQ-9799 Rename Object dialog is shown unexpectedly. QMFDQ-9800 When switching languages, the name of the last opened folder is written in the first language. QMFDQ-9959 Multiline text for label in a visual report is displayed in one line in HTML mode. QMFDQ-9967 Errors occur when creating a Conditional Format in a query. QMFDQ-10589 Background result set row fetching progress is not displayed in thin client. QMFDQ-10715 The command line disappears when working with queries and reports. QMFDQ-10731 DSQQW_PROC_FAIL_ON_ERROR global variable does not save its value after application relaunch. QMFDQ-10737 Save At QMF Catalog: error message appears when trying to replace object saved with "Share object with other users" unchecked. QMFDQ-10820 QUERY: Empty row appears after clicking on Sort button in the Results tab. QMFDQ-10839 (Volkswagen) To be able to use single-used password for repository connections. QMFDQ-10877 XMLA OLAP Cube is marked by '*' on opening. QMFDQ-10879 Procedure with "BOTTOM" or "FORWARD MAX" command works incorrectly. The first page of Result Set will be shown, but the focus should be on the last page of query result. QMFDQ-10892 Application error occurs during renaming of virtual data source in Search view. QMFDQ-10897 Hidden folders are found after Search in repository. QMFDQ-10899 Object types list should not contain 'JOB'. QMFDQ-10902 Empty 'Visual Report' node are in the Search view after search of Legacy Visual Report. QMFDQ-10906 Running the Reset Global command without parameters yields an error. QMFDQ-10982 Ok button is always available in the Open From Repository dialog. QMFDQ-10992 "Display Report" command does nothing if a side group is expanded in OLAP query results. QMFDQ-11007 XML aggregation without ORDER BY Clause yields an error. QMFDQ-11026 'Enter Substitution Variable Values' dialog appears after changing of render mode for Object Tracking Report. QMFDQ-11028 Scheduler does not work with procedures in REXX. QMFDQ-11040 SHOW command works incorrectly. QMF shows tab of a FORM instead of tab of a REPORT. QMFDQ-11042 PROCEDURE: file is not changed after EXPORT command. QMFDQ-11043 PROCEDURE: EXPORT command with parameter MODE=RAW for pdf format contains calculated column. QMFDQ-11044 PROCEDURE: SHOW command causes an error message if the query is not run. QMFDQ-11047 Content Assist list does not appear in QMF for WebSphere. QMFDQ-11049 PROCEDURE: Empty table appears in SQL tab of the query after executing SHOW commands. QMFDQ-11055 The table definition is incomplete because the primary key index or unique key index is not defined when exporting result sets using primary key defined. QMFDQ-11064 EXPORT TO: Archive with exported file is invalid if the file name contains special symbols. QMFDQ-11065 Error message "The printer name 'null' is invalid" appears if you run procedure PRINT QUERY. QMFDQ-11066 QUERY: "Retrieve all" is not accessible for a multiple result set query. QMFDQ-11100 Some nodes from 'Repository Explorer' are displayed with incorrect names in 'Recently Used' list. QMFDQ-11118 The support for SQL JDBC 4.0 specification is required for new JDBC drivers now available. QMFDQ-11140 An error occurs at 'Export to Excel' for an MDX query. QMFDQ-11145 Unnecessary columns are added in exported file ith Export to Excel. QMFDQ-11148 A Prompted Query created in QMF for TSO is opened in SQL view in QMF for Workstation/WebSphere. QMFDQ-11168 The "=>" operator in the Content Assist list is incorrectly displayed. QMFDQ-11175 IMPORT command allows you to load files from server in thin client using full path names. QMFDQ-11190 Wrong name of wizard for creating Shared Repository appears on the context menu. QMFDQ-11195 Checked "Remember the password" option may cause several automatic attempts to establish connection with wrong or expired password. QMFDQ-11205 Export and import of double data to and from an IXF file. QMFDQ-11206 Implement versioning for static query packages. QMFDQ-11208 Refresh, Link with Editor and Disconnect buttons in the Repository Explorer are not disabled when user disconnects from repository. QMFDQ-11217 Edit Repository Connection dialog: If error appears when user selects "Refresh" button, the "Finish" button does not enter any of the previously set changes. QMFDQ-11253 If an active repository connection name changes, the confirm applied changes dialog does not appear. QMFDQ-11271 If an error occurs while editing repository connection, the Repository name combobox text is not cleared. QMFDQ-11281 Export Result Set: some of "NULL" values are displayed as "0". QMFDQ-11290 An error occurs when running a query that contains CASE expression.