IBM(R) DB2(R) QMF for Workstation & DB2 QMF for WebSphere, Version 9 Release 1, Fix Pack 3 README CONTENTS 1.0 ABOUT THIS README FILE 2.0 PROBLEMS CORRECTED IN QMF FOR WORKSTATION 9.1 FIX PACK 3 3.0 PROBLEMS CORRECTED IN QMF FOR WEBSPHERE 9.1 FIX PACK 3 *************************** 1.0 ABOUT THIS README FILE *************************** Welcome to DB2 QMF for Workstation and DB2 QMF for WebSphere, Version 9 Release 1, Fix Pack 3 README file. This README file contains descriptions of fixes for DB2 QMF for Workstation and DB2 QMF for WebSphere. ************************************************************* 2.0 PROBLEMS CORRECTED IN QMF for Workstation 9.1 Fix Pack 3 ************************************************************* QMFDQ-32 Unable to run a stored procedure that is launched from the Search in Repository dialog. QMFDQ-312 Printing of objects is allowed even though the resource limit 'Allow printing' is not checked. QMFDQ-329 Some users without administrator privileges are able to update resource limits. QMFDQ-394 Error can occur opening a table when connected to a MS SQL Server 2005 database. QMFDQ-517 Incorrect formatting can occur for labels in a visual report PDF. QMFDQ-597 In design mode, zooming in on a visual report can alter the width of a section. QMFDQ-598 Opening a visual report multiple times from the QMF Catalog will create multiple copies of the report. QMFDQ-617 Error will occur if an incorrect file extension is specified when importing a table. QMFDQ-674 For data sources that have the resource limits saved in the repository, any changes to the resource limits will not be applied until the application is restarted. QMFDQ-696 Table editor functionality was enhanced to allow a noncontiguous select of rows using the CTRL key. QMFDQ-818 In some cases, the conditional formatting applied to a column of query results data is not preserved in a visual report. QMFDQ-844 Canceling a query can cause an exception. QMFDQ-944 For repository-based resource limits, the default value for 'Maximum Rows to Fetch/Warning' and 'Limits/Maximum Rows to Fetch/Cancel' are interchanged and incorrectly displayed. QMFDQ-946 After an object has been moved in a visual report section, the 'Undo' edit command does not move it back to its original position. QMFDQ-971 Unable to open a visual report from the 'Open from QMF Catalog' dialog. QMFDQ-976 Unable to save a query in the QMF Catalog using the 'Save At Repository' menu item. QMFDQ-981 Exception can occur when expanding the references node for a query that is run against a data source that does not contain a table that is referenced in the query. QMFDQ-982 Exception can occur when running a query saved in the QMF catalog that references a non-existent column. QMFDQ-984 Incorrect error message is displayed when pasting a query directly into the 'QMF Catalog Queries' node of a repository. QMFDQ-986 Incorrect syntax error message may be issued when switching from Diagram to Prompted view if the generated query contains an expression. QMFDQ-993 Added the ability to append and remove additional SELECT statements to an existing query from the Diagram or Prompted Query views. QMFDQ-994 In a Linux environment, an exception can occur when joining tables using the Diagram Query view. QMFDQ-1012 Error can occur when expanding references node for a query that includes a 'Delete' statement. QMFDQ-1042 Editor area is not refreshed when a picture object's image is removed. QMFDQ-1070 From the Workspaces view, an exception can occur when you select 'Rename' or 'Refresh' from the 'File' menu and you are not connected to a repository. QMFDQ-1055 Line objects may be incorrectly rendered in visual reports. QMFDQ-1057 Non-existent columns may be listed as references for a query that runs against an Oracle data source. QMFDQ-1058 Some tables may be incorrectly listed in the references node for queries that run against an Oracle data source. QMFDQ-1064 Switching to prompted view may corruct SQL text. QMFDQ-1076 When creating queries using the Diagram view, the display of the property table is corrupted for Linux and UNIX operating systems. QMFDQ-1082 The command 'File->Open From->QMF Catalog' is disabled after one or more data sources are added to a file-based repository. QMFDQ-1095 The CONFIRM resource limit is not being considered when the CONFIRM option of a procedure command is not specified or is specified with the value of 'NO'. QMFDQ-1096 Error can occur when using the EXECUTE command in a procedure. QMFDQ-1100 Error can occur when exporting to IXF format a table that includes LOB data. QMFDQ-1104 When exporting a classic report to HTML format, the last row of data is omitted. QMFDQ-1108 Translation of some Workspaces view resources and several tooltips does not occur immediately after switching preference setting between languages. QMFDQ-1109 Exception can occur when double-clicking on a Oracle database table and the default action for double-clicking on an object in the repository is set to 'Run Object'. QMFDQ-1495 Visual reports ignore global variable values listed under the 'globals' section of the report project. QMFDQ-1499 Visual report properties dialog displays the 'object type' using an internal name rather than the translated type name. QMFDQ-1512 Repository objects cannot be dragged between the 'Repositories' and 'Repository Explorer' views. QMFDQ-1514 Exporting a visual report to HTML format does not export any corresponding images contained within the report. QMFDQ-1524 Visual reports generate errors if their name includes an '!' character. QMFDQ-1525 Objects may fail to be saved if their parent folder is renamed in the Repository Explorer while the project is still under edit in the Project Explorer. QMFDQ-1549 Pressing the delete button in the 'Repositories' view prompts the user to confirm the deletion of the entire repository rather than the selected item within it. QMFDQ-1550 Changes to the default measurement unit are not applied to dashboards and visual reports. QMFDQ-1581 Stored procedures are not supported when working with DB2 VSE/VM databases. QMFDQ-1750 After attempting to save a multi-statement query as a prompted query object type, it is not possible to save it as a query object type. QMFDQ-2583 Repository tables cannot be created within a DB2 for iSeries database when using the Toolbox JDBC driver. QMFDQ-2594 When generating a classic report from a query, report columns associated with query calculated columns may be set to an insufficient width. QMFDQ-2595 'Spin' buttons in the classic report designer do not alter the associated data field. QMFDQ-2603 Exception can occur when expanding references node for queries with complex SQL syntax. QMFDQ-2609 Grouping information is lost when converting a query to a classic report which, in turn, is converted into a visual report. QMFDQ-2611 Sending OLAP query results to Microsoft Excel produces incomplete Excel worksheets. QMFDQ-2677 Added support for high contrast color schemas. QMFDQ-2684 Entering an incomplete term while conducting a repository search may result in an application error message. QMFDQ-2710 After automatically generating a visual report from a given query, closing the project using the 'close all' button in the Project Explorer may result in an application error. QMFDQ-2714 It is not possible to delete repository storage that has been created within an MS SQL Server data source. QMFDQ-2721 After deleting a stock image referenced by a picture object, it is no longer possible to resize the 'empty' picture object. ************************************************************* 3.0 PROBLEMS CORRECTED IN QMF FOR WEBSPHERE 9.1 FIX PACK 3 ************************************************************* QMFDQ-32 Unable to run a stored procedure that is launched from the Search in Repository dialog. QMFDQ-617 Error will occur if an incorrect file extension is specified when importing a table. QMFDQ-674 For data sources that have the resource limits saved in the repository, any changes to the resource limits will not be applied until the application is restarted. QMFDQ-844 Canceling a query that is running on a remote server can cause an exception. QMFDQ-1106 Error can occur when searching a repository for all (% for object name) stored procedures. QMFDQ-1108 Translation of some Workspaces view resources and several tooltips does not occur immediately after switching preference setting between languages. QMFDQ-1495 Visual reports ignore global variable values listed under the 'globals' section of the report project. QMFDQ-1509 It is not possible to create a visual report from an open XML file. QMFDQ-1510 End users cannot save visual reports that they create during the application session. QMFDQ-1514 Exporting a visual report to HTML format does not export any corresponding images contained within the report. QMFDQ-1524 Visual reports generate errors if their name includes an '!' character. QMFDQ-1581 Stored procedures are not supported when working with DB2 VSE/VM databases. QMFDQ-1750 After attempting to save a multi-statement query as a prompted query object type, it is not possible to save it as a query object type. QMFDQ-2583 Repository tables cannot be created within a DB2 for iSeries database when using the Toolbox JDBC driver. QMFDQ-2594 When generating a classic report from a query, report columns associated with query calculated columns may be set to an insufficient width. QMFDQ-2686 The web application generates an error when attempting to connect to a repository that is stored within a data source that does not require a username and password. QMFDQ-2714 It is not possible to delete repository storage that has been created within a MS SQL Server data source.