- A few of these items are also being provided for IMS V7 through the IMS V7 service process:
- S/390 FICON CTC for MSC for reliable, high bandwidth host-to-host communications support between IMS systems.
- IMS support for z/OS's Coupling Facility (CF) duplexing function for IMS Shared Message Queue structures, IMS Fast Path Expedited Message Handler (EMH) structures, and Fast Path Virtual Stroage Option (VSO). CF Structure Duplexing support for IMS Data Sharing is being provided through the IRLM 2.1 service process.
- New IMS Java Region Type for use with the new serially reusable JVM, providing enhanced tool support for developing these Java applications to run in IMS.
- JDBCsupport for IMS DB data from a CICS/390 Java application, DB2/390 Java Stored procedure and a WebSphere/390 Enterprise Java Bean
- Batch RRS support allows batch programs to use MQ with coordinated commti and also providing for a full two phase commit for batch programs accessing DB2 as well as IMS DB, where today's Batch Attach from DB2 does not support coordinated commit. And it also allows for work which captures data and proprogates it to another system (DB2) to participate in the 2-phase syncpoint process along with the IMS work, thus making sure that all the work is done or not done where it is all part of the same unit of recovery.
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