IBM DB2 Performance Expert Version 2 Release 2, GA, Interim Fix 1, Install Instructions 1.0 Prerequisites 2.0 Problem Description 3.0 Installation Instructions 4.0 Back out Instructions ___________________________________________________________________ 1.0 Prerequisites DB2 Performance Expert V2.2 eGA is required in order to use Interim Fix 1. 2.0 Problem Description Interim Fix 1 solves the following problems: 2.1 SERVER_ENCRYPT Using Performance Expert with installed DB2 fp9 it is not possible to monitor an instance, when database manager configuration parameter AUTHENTICATION is set as SERVER_ENCRYPTED. Possible error message: SQL30082N Attempt to establish connection failed with security reason "17" ("UNSUPPORTED FUNCTION"). SQLSTATE=08001 2.2 Tablespace migration Migrating from Performance Expert 2.1 to Performance Expert 2.2, new migrated table spaces of the performance database(s) might be placed into a wrong location. Reason: tablespace path configured in Performance Expert 2.1 does not have trailing slash. 2.3 System event monitor tables get locked System event monitor tables of a monitored database might get locked due to a known DB2 problem. This might occur if you have activated deadlock event monitoring under the following conditions: - the monitored database is partitioned and - you configured in Performance Expert the instance of the monitored database to exchange event monitoring data not using a shared file system. If the system event monitor tables get locked, in Performance Expert no more deadlock event monitoring as well as SQL Activity tracing is done. Furthermore other applications using event monitors will also wait for the lock to get resolved. 3.0 Installation Instructions 1. As DB2 instance owner stop Performance Expert Server and the DB2 instance in that Performance Expert Server runs. 2. Choose the file of your Performance Expert Client platform and extract the files. For UNIX and Linux: a. gzip -d db2pe2201_.tar.gz b. tar -xvf db2pe2201_.tar For Windows: Unzip the file using WINZIP or any unzip utility of your choice. Contents: - for all platforms: 'fpesrv.jar' - for Windows: 'db2pecat.dll' - for AIX: '', '' - for Linux '' - for pLinux '' - for SunOS: '', '' (NOTE: steps 3 to 5 are for PE CLIENT !) 3. Go to the 'bin' directory of your Performance Expert Client installation and save the existing libdb2pecat* (for Unix) or 'db2pecat.dll' (for Windows) files to a new name as backup. Note, that you must do it as root on UNIX and Linux platforms. 4. Copy the extracted files libdb2pecat* / db2pecat.dll into the 'bin' directory of your Performance Expert Client installation. Note, that you must do it as root on UNIX and Linux platforms. 5. On UNIX and Linux platforms change the permissions of the files to 755 and the owner to root and group to system. (NOTE: steps 6 to 9 are for PE SERVER !) 6. Go to the 'bin' directory of your Performance Expert Server installation and save the existing 'fpesrv.jar' to a new name as backup. Note, that you must do it as root on UNIX and Linux platforms. 7. Copy the extracted file 'fpesrv.jar' into the 'bin' directory of your Performance Expert Server installation. Note, that you must do it as root on UNIX and Linux platforms. 8. On UNIX and Linux platforms change the permissions of the fileto 755 and the owner to root and group to system. 9. As DB2 instance owner restart Performance Expert Server. 4.0 Back out Instructions 1. For Performance Expert Client you can skip back to the backuped files. 2. For Performance Expert Server you can only skip back to the backuped files, as long as you have not started the server with the fix applied.