IBM(R) DB2(R) Performance Expert for Multiplatforms, V2.2.1 IBM DB2 Performance Expert for Multiplatforms, V2.2 Fix Pack 2 IBM DB2 Performance Expert for Workgroups, V2.2.1 IBM DB2 Performance Expert for Workgroups, V2.2 Fix Pack 2 README CONTENTS 1.0 ABOUT THIS README FILE 1.1 Evaluation code 1.2 Corrected problems 1.3 Limitations, known problems, and workarounds 1.4 Enhancements 2.0 PREREQUISITES 2.1 Hardware requirements 2.2 Software requirements 3.0 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 3.1 General notes 3.2 UNIX(R)-specific and Linux(R)-specific installation information 3.3 Windows(R)-specific installation information 4.0 CUSTOMIZATION AND USAGE INSTRUCTIONS 4.1 Enabling access to a CIM Server 4.2 CIM Server 4.3 Using Performance Expert with DB2 V8 Fix Pack 9 or later 4.4 Using the IBM Content Manager threshold set 4.5 Reducing data volume for SQL activity tracing 4.6 Workload generator 'pedemo' 4.7 Which shared library must be copied for SQL Activity Tracing ? 5.0 CORRECTIONS TO DOCUMENTATION 6.0 HOW TO GET HELP 7.0 NOTICES 7.1 Use of evaluation program 7.2 Other notices 7.3 Trademarks and service marks 1.0 ABOUT THIS README FILE Welcome to IBM DB2 Performance Expert, Version 2, Release 2, Modification Level 1, or Version 2 Release 2 Fix Pack 2, README file of 28 August 2006. Always check the following Web site for later versions of this README file: If you have downloaded Performance Expert V2.2 Fix Pack 2 from this Web site, installing this fix pack upgrades your Performance Expert installation to V2.2.1. This README file contains information about installing and configuring IBM DB2 Performance Expert for Multiplatforms and IBM DB2 Performance Expert for Workgroups, and information about known problems. In this README file, the following naming conventions apply: IBM DB2 Performance Expert for Multiplatforms and IBM DB2 Performance Expert for Workgroups are abbreviated to Performance Expert where applicable. You can use Performance Expert Client also with the following products: - IBM Tivoli(R) OMEGAMON(R) XE for DB2 Performance Expert on z/OS(R), V3.1 - IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON XE for DB2 Performance Monitor on z/OS, V3.1 - IBM DB2 Buffer Pool Analyzer for z/OS, V3.1 - IBM DB2 Performance Expert for z/OS, V2.1 - IBM DB2 Performance Monitor for z/OS, V8.1 Known problems for these products are also listed in this README file. 1.1 Evaluation code If you use evaluation code, the evaluation code enables you to try this product for a period of 60 days. After 60 days, you must purchase a license to continue to use the product. When you purchase the product, the license is enforced based upon the platform on which you are running Performance Expert. Read NOTICES Section 7.1, Use of Evaluation Program, and the License Agreement provided with your evaluation copy of the program. 1.2 Corrected problems Performance Expert V2.2.1 contains the following corrections: APAR PK23097: Starting DB2 Performance Expert on Windows as a service fails with the RC=87 message APAR PK21349: Starting Performance Expert as a service fails if the logon ID is a domain user APAR PK23077: In Performance Expert Client, the threshold limit for log space is limited to 7 positions APAR PK24627: Performance Expert Client cannot communicate with Performance Expert Server APAR PK26054: The Exception Processing window of Performance Expert Client might show the wrong menu when right-clicking the threshold list APAR PK20527: Inadequate character masking happens when changing a password for a system that is monitored by Performance Expert from the peconfig command line tool APAR PK25601: Graphs in the System Overview of Performance Expert might not get filled when displayed from Performance Expert Client APAR PK27244: PASSWORD EXPOSURE IN PERFORMANCE EXPERT CLIENT TRACE FILE 1.3 Limitations, known problems, and workarounds 1.3.1 Limitations If you have CIM enabled, and if you disable history processing for operating system parameters on Performance Expert Client in the properties of a monitored DB2 instance, the operating system parameters in the window Statistic Details->Tablespace->Container contain no values. If you open the predefined data view 'Ratio of SELECT or UPDATE/INSERT/SELECT stmts' in the System Health component, you might see positive ratios although no SQL DML statements are executed. If you monitor a DB2 instance that is located on an AIX(R), a Solaris, or a Linux machine, you cannot enable CIM if the host name of the monitored machine starts with an underscore or a number. If you enable CIM, an "invalid locator" error occurs if Performance Expert Server accesses CIM. When a monitored database is in WRITE SUSPEND mode, no data is collected by Performance Expert Server and displayed on Performance Expert Client. This behavior is a DB2 limitation. If you want to install Performance Expert on Linux or UNIX systems then an installation path containing blanks is not support. If you specify a path name containing blanks then the previously displayed default path name is used for installation. 1.3.2 Known problems and workarounds Problem: If you want to install Performance Expert Server on Windows twice on a DB2 V8 and a DB2 V9 instance then the Windows registry contains only one entry for Performance Expert Server which is the one of the last installation. Therefore upgrading the first Performance Expert Server installation or uninstall the first Performance Expert installation from the Control Panel->Add/Remove Programs is not possible any more. The upgrade problem occurs in the following scenario: 1) You already have Performance Expert Server V2.2 installed on DB2 V8. 2) You install DB2 V9 in parallel to DB2 V8. 3) You install Performance Expert Server V2.2.1 on the DB2 V9 instance 4) You decide later to upgrade the Performance Expert Server V2.2 installation on DB2 V8 as well to V2.2.1. This upgrade will not work correctly. If you do the upgrade in this order then Performance Expert Server which originally was installed on DB2 V8 will run on DB2 V9 after the upgrade. - Workaround: To uninstall the first Performance Expert Server installation use uninstaller.exe located in the uninstall directory of Performance Expert Server installation. To ensure that both Performance Expert Server installations work correctly for the described upgrade scenario, do the intallation and upgrade in the following order: 1) Upgrade your existing Performance Expert Server installation to V2.2.1 2) Install DB2 V9 in parallel to DB2 V8. This could also be done as first step because this is independent on 1). 3) Install Performance Expert Server V2.2.1 on DB2 V9. Problem: On UNIX and Linux systems, the Multiplatform Installer might hang because it does not find a valid Java(TM) version for the installation. - Workaround: Start the Multiplatform Installer by using the following command: -is:javahome "" -console For example, for Solaris using Java 1.4, enter: db2pe.server.v2.2.1.install-on-solaris -is:javahome "/usr/java1.4" -console Problem: Performance Expert Server might restart repeatedly and thereby recording the DB2 error SQL0803N in the db2pesrv.log file if one of these conditions occur: - You monitor more than one multipartition database in one DB2 instance. - More than one of these databases is active. - History processing for the setting 'System' is enabled in the Properties window of the monitored DB2 instance on Performance Expert Client. Under these conditions, DB2 sometimes assigns table spaces and tables to the wrong database, which results in error SQL0803N. The wrong assignment of tables to databases is fixed in DB2 V8 Fix Pack 10 (APAR IY71463). - Workaround: If you monitor two or more databases within a monitored DB2 instance that contain at least one table with the same name, take one of these steps: -- Switch off the table monitor switch of the monitored DB2 instance. -- In Performance Expert Client, open the Properties window for the monitored DB2 instance and turn off the history settings for 'System'. Problem: The pecentralize command fails with error 'db2 not found' on UNIX and Linux systems because db2profile was not executed in bash shell. - Workaround: Use a different shell, for example, the Korn shell, as login shell for the DB2 instance user. Problem: If you see only N/P values for performance counters on Performance Expert Client after you have installed and configured Performance Expert Client and Performance Expert Server, you might have configured a database for monitoring that does no longer exist on the monitored DB2 instance. - Workaround: On Performance Expert Server, call peconfig again and check whether the specified database name exists on the monitored DB2 instance. If it does not exist, remove the database from monitoring. Problem: If you monitor a DB2 instance that is located on an AIX machine and if CIM is enabled, you might see N/P values on the Operating System Information window, if the /tmp directory of the monitored machine or the Performance Expert Server machine is nearly full. - Workaround: Free space in the appropriate /tmp directory. Problem: Installation and configuration of Performance Expert Server or Performance Expert Client on UNIX or Linux in console mode might cause errors if you correct input data with the backspace key and if the backspace key is not correctly configured. - Workaround: Before installation and configuration, activate the backspace key with the command "stty erase ^?". Depending on the shell, you might have to enter "stty erase ^H". Problem: If CIM is enabled, retrieving data from the CIMON server might fail because the host name of the monitored system on which the CIMON server runs cannot be resolved on the system on which Performance Expert Server runs. - Workaround: Add the fully qualified host name of monitored system to the /etc/hosts file on the system on which Performance Expert Server runs. Problem: If you monitor a DB2 instance that is located on an AIX machine and if CIM is enabled, a value for 'Disk Utilization-I/O time' might not be displayed. - Workaround: The I/O time value is displayed if the SYSP_V_IOSTRUN flag is set. To set the flag, enter the following command as root: chdev -l sys0 -a iostat=true To unset the flag, enter the following command as root: chdev -l sys0 -a iostat=false To see the current status of the flag, enter the following command as root: lsattr -E -l sys0 -a iostat For more details, refer to the "Disk Input/Output History" section of the iostat command documentation on this Web site: / Problem: The password during the Performance Expert Server installation on Windows is rejected, even if it is valid. During the installation of Performance Expert Server and Performance Expert Agent, you are prompted for the service password. Even if the entered password is valid, the message "Invalid password entered" might appear. The reason could be that on Windows XP, the forceguest registry value is set to 1 by default in the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa This forces the Microsoft(R) Security Support Provider Interface (SSPI) to log on as the guest user. If the guest user is not enabled, SSPI cannot validate the password. - Workaround: 1. Open the registry editor. 2. Set the variable forceguest to the value 0 in the following registration key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa 3. Restart the installation. Problem: If you monitor a DB2 instance that is located on an AIX machine and if CIM is enabled, the following limitation exists: On Performance Expert Client: If you see N/P values on operating system windows or graphical data views that you have defined for operating system values, and if a red icon in the right corner on the window with a tooltip indicates that the CIM Server cannot be reached, the CIM Server might have crashed. - Workaround: Restart the CIM Server. Problem: If you monitor a DB2 instance that runs on DB2 V8 Fix Pack 11, you might see the message 'An internal error occurred' in Performance Expert Client because of on allocation failure of a high amount of memory when you open 'Applications in Lock Conflicts'. The allocation failure message appears also on the console of Performance Expert Server. - Workaround: Install DB2 V8 Fix Pack 12 on your monitored system. This problem is fixed with DB2 APAR LI70768. Problem: If you see corrupted panels on Performance Expert Client, for example, corrupted graphical data views, or missing information, check the screen color bit width of your machine. - Workaround: Change the screen color bit width of your machine from 16 bit to 32 bit. Problem: From the toolbar on the System Overview window in Performance Expert Client, you can connect to a Performance Warehouse from the Performance Warehouse client. If you do so, you might get the following error message: "SYSIBM.SQLTABLES" (specific name "TABLES") has returned an error SQLSTATE with diagnostic text "SYSIBM:CLI:-805". SQLSTATE=38553 - Workaround: Log on to the system on which Performance Expert Server runs as the DB2 instance owner and switch to the bnd directory of the DB2 instance on which Performance Expert Server runs. Connect to the performance database that contains the Performance Warehouse and enter the following commands: db2 bind db2clipk.bnd db2 bind db2clist.bnd db2 bind db2schema.bnd Connect again to the Performance Warehouse from the Performance Warehouse client. Problem: If you install Performance Expert Server on top of an existing installation then you might get the error message that the installation was not successful. This can be happen because some files that need to be updated by the installation are still busy. In this case the installation log file db2pesrv.log gives you the hint to remove Performance Expert Server, reboot the machine and install again. If during installation you specified that SQL Activity Trace data should be deleted then this specification might also be removed during reinstallation of Performance Expert Server. - Workaround: After you have installed Performance Expert Server again edit the db2pesrv.prop file and append the following property at the end: evmsqldata.delete=yes The file db2pesrv.prop is available in the following directory: On Windows: \intances\ On Unix and Linux: / Problem: If you have installed Performance Expert Agent on a Windows machine with DB2 V8 and DB2 V9 instances then the Agent Configuration Utility can only display DB2 V8 or DB2 V9 instances for configuration dependent on the setting of the DB2INSTANCE environment variable. - Workaround: If for example the environment variable DB2INSTANCE is set to a DB2 V8 instance, the Agent Configuration utility shows all DB2 V8 instances. To configure DB2 V9 instances, set the enviroment variable DB2INSTANCE to a DB2 V9 instance and call the Agent Configuration Utility again. Problem: If you have enabled deadlock event monitoring with statment history or with statement history and values then it might be the case that a high amount of data is written into the deadlock event monitor files or tables even if no deadlock occured. This is caused by a DB2 bug and happens if another application does batch inserts on the same database. Deadlock event monitor data is written into files if you have configured a shared filesystem for the exchange of event monitor data. The files are written into the remote directory specified during configuration. Deadlock event monitor data is written into tables if have you configured to use database objects for the exchange of event monitor data. - Workaround: If you run into space problems because of the high amount of data written although no deadlock occured then use deadlock event monitoring without statement history or statement history and values. Problem: If you use Performance Expert Server on Windows and you want to enable or use CIM for a monitored DB2 instance then you get the DB2 error message SQL0444 that the library fpecim328*.dll cannot be accessed if the bin directory of Performance Expert Server installation is not available in the PATH system environment variable. - Workaround: Add the bin directory of Performance Expert Server installation to the PATH system environment variable, restart the DB2 instance on that Performance Expert Server runs and try again. 1.4 Enhancements The modification level contains the following enhancements: You can now install Performance Expert on DB2 V9 and monitor DB2 V9 instances. New snapshot and configuration values, which are introduced with DB2 V9 are integrated in all features of Performance Expert. If you launch Visual Explain from Performance Expert Client, you can now specify a schema for unqualified SQL parameters and other parameters. Additionally, you can explain XQUERY statements that are executed on a DB2 V9 instance. The periodic exception processing component has been enhanced. Now, it uses delta values for threshold checking instead of accumulated values since database activation. This ensures real-time exception detection and enables you to detect, for example, a high lock wait increase that occurred during the last few minutes. For deadlock event exceptions, you can now choose the level of detail that should be provided and be displayed if a deadlock has occurred. Additionally, the detailed levels show the statement history and parameter marker values of statements. You can now profile SQL PL procedures. The resulting HTML report displays for all procedure calls and the containing source code execution metrics, such as total/avg execution times, sorts, sort overflows, fetch count, rows read/written, and so on. Additionally the profile data is saved in Performance Warehouse. If a CM Library Server database or a CM Resource Manager database is found on the monitored system, 'Content Manager' appears on the System Overview window of Performance Expert Client as an additional entry. Double-clicking this entry shows the most important DB2 metrics for the Library Server and Resource Manager. It also shows valuable information and recommendations, especially for the CM administrator. zLinux 64-bit is now supported. You can now run Performance Expert Agent on 64-bit platforms. 2.0 PREREQUISITES Performance Expert has hardware and software requirements. 2.1 Hardware requirements For information about hardware requirements, refer to the following chapters in 'Installation and Configuration', SC18-9191-05: - Installing Performance Expert Client on Windows - Installing Performance Expert Server on Windows - Installing Performance Expert Client on UNIX and Linux systems - Installing Performance Expert Server on UNIX and Linux systems - Space requirements for Performance Expert Server 2.2 Software requirements 2.2.1 Windows, UNIX, and Linux systems For more information on software requirements, refer to the following chapters in 'Installation and Configuration', SC18-9191-05: - Installing Performance Expert Client on Windows - Installing Performance Expert Server on Windows - Installing Performance Expert Client on UNIX and Linux systems - Installing Performance Expert Server on UNIX and Linux systems Note: As of Fix Pack 2, the minimum DB2 level has changed. The PE server, for example, is now DB2 ESE, WSE or WSUE v8.1 Fix Pack 9 and DB2 ESE, WSE or WSUE v9.1. Please reference the new 'Installation and Configuration' for additional details for other Performance Expert components. 2.2.1 AIX Pegasus CIM Server To integrate operating system data in Performance Expert if your monitored DB2 instance resides on AIX, an open-source implementation of the Common Information Model Object Manager (CIMOM), called Pegasus Version 2.5 or later, of AIX Expansion Pack 5.2.7, or AIX Expansion Pack 5.3.3 must be installed and running. The expansion packs are contained on the CD with the label LCD4-1163-14 for AIX 5.2, and on the CD with label LCD4-7477-04 for AIX 5.3. For more information refer to this Web site: 3.0 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 3.1. General notes These installation instructions describe briefly how to install and configure Performance Expert. For a more detailed description and for migration procedures, read the installation chapters in 'Installation and Configuration', SC18-9191. For information about DB2 tools publications, refer to this Web site: Performance Expert Client V2.2.1 can run with Performance Expert Server V2.2.0, but Peformance Expert Server V2.2.1 cannot run with Performance Expert Client V2.2.0. If you plan to migrate from Performance Expert V2.2.0 to Performance Expert V2.2.1 and if you plan to install Performance Expert Client V2.2.1 and Performance Expert Server V2.2.1 on different dates, install Performance Expert Client V2.2.1 first. The following Performance Expert Server and Client installation instructions differ depending on whether you install the Performance Expert V2.2.1 modification level installation packages directly or whether you install the Fix Pack 2 installation packages. Both kinds of installations include the same version of Performance Expert, which is V2.2.1, but if you choose to install a fix pack, an existing Performance Expert V2.2 installation is required. If you choose to install the modification level, no existing installation is required although you can have one. 3.2 UNIX-specific and Linux-specific installation information This section lists brief instructions about how to install and configure Performance Expert on UNIX and Linux systems. For a detailed description, refer to the following chapters in 'Installation and Configuration', SC18-9191: - Configurations for Performance Expert - Installing Performance Expert Client on UNIX and Linux systems - Installing Performance Expert Server on UNIX and Linux systems - Configuring Performance Expert Server on UNIX and Linux systems 3.2.1 Performance Expert Server (modification level) Step 1: The installer needs Java 1.4. Check whether Java 1.4 is installed on the machine. If not, install the jar file that is delivered with the Performance Expert Server installation files. Enter the following commands as root: jar -xvf For example: jar -xvf aix32.jar cd < installed Java path> chmod -R 755 If you do not have installed Java at all, copy the jar file to a zip file and use an unzip utility to unzip it. Ensure that the platform jar files are located in the same path as the installation files. Step 2: Install Performance Expert Server by executing one of the following commands as root and follow the instructions: db2pe.server.v2.2.1.install-on-aix db2pe.server.v2.2.1.install-on-solaris db2pe.server.v2.2.1.install-on-xlinux db2pe.server.v2.2.1.install-on-zlinux db2pe.server.v2.2.1.install-on-plinux db2pe.server.v2.2.1.install-on-hpux If you want to use the console mode instead of the graphical mode, add the following option to the program call: -is:javaconsole -console Execute step 3 to 6 only if you install Performance Expert for the first time and if you do not upgrade from a previous version. Step 3: If not already existing, create the DB2 instance on which Performance Expert Server should run by entering the DB2 command db2icrt as root, for example: DB2DIR/instance/db2icrt -a SERVER -p db2cdb2inpe -s ese -u db2fepe -w 32 db2inpe Change port name 'db2cdb2inpe' and user names 'db2fepe' and 'db2inpe' as required. Step 4: Update the /etc/services file to include the port name of the created DB2 instance. For example, add the following line as root: db2cdb2inpe 60010/tcp #DB2 connection service port for db2inpe Step 5: Set up the DB2 instance for Performance Expert Server by entering the following command as root from the bin directory of your installation, for example, /opt/IBM/db2pesrv/V2.2/bin: ./pecentralize db2inpe Change instance name 'db2inpe' as required. Step 6: Configure the DB2 instance for Performance Expert Server by adding the monitored DB2 instances. As the DB2 instance owner, enter the following command from the bin directory of your installation, for example, /opt/IBM/db2pesrv/V2.2.1/bin: ./peconfig -console Step 7: You can now start the configured Performance Expert Server. As the DB2 instance owner, enter the following command from the bin directory of your installation, for example, /opt/IBM/db2pesrv/V2.2.1/bin: ./pestart 3.2.2 Performance Expert Server (Fix Pack) Step 1: Stop Performance Expert Server if it is running. Requirement: You must have installed Performance Expert Server V2.2 before you install the fix pack. Step 2: Install the fix pack by entering one of the following commands as root and follow the instructions: db2pe.server.v2.2.1.install-on-aix db2pe.server.v2.2.1.install-on-solaris db2pe.server.v2.2.1.install-on-xlinux db2pe.server.v2.2.1.install-on-zlinux db2pe.server.v2.2.1.install-on-plinux db2pe.server.v2.2.1.install-on-hpux If you want to use the console mode instead of the graphical mode, add the following option to the program call: -is:javaconsole -console You are asked for the installation path. The path of your previous Performance Expert Server installation is already suggested. Confirm the path. If you have installed, but not yet configured and used Performance Expert before this fix pack installation, proceed with Step 3 and succeeding steps in section '3.2.1 Performance Expert Server (modification level)'. Step 3: You can now start the configured Performance Expert Server. As the DB2 instance owner, enter the following command from the bin directory of your installation, for example, /opt/IBM/db2pesrv/V2.2/bin: ./pestart 3.2.3 Performance Expert Client Step 1: The installer needs Java 1.4. Check whether Java 1.4 is installed on the machine. If not, install the jar file that is delivered with the Performance Expert Client installation files. Enter the following commands as root: jar -xvf For example: jar -xvf aix32.jar cd < installed Java path> chmod -R 755 If you do not have installed Java at all, copy the jar file to a zip file and use an unzip utility to unzip it. Ensure that the platform jar files are located in the same path as the installation files. Step 2: Install Performance Expert Client by entering one of the following commands as root and follow the installation instructions: db2pe.client.v2.2.1.install-on-aix db2pe.client.v2.2.1.install-on-solaris db2pe.client.v2.2.1.install-on-xlinux db2pe.client.v2.2.1.install-on-plinux If you want to use the console mode instead of the graphical mode, add the following option to the program call: -is:javaconsole -console Step 3: You can now start the installed Performance Expert Client by entering the following command from the bin directory of your installation, for example, /opt/IBM/db2pecli/V2.2.1/bin: ./db2pe If you want to use the function 'New DB2 System' in Performance Expert Client, ensure that the user who starts Performance Expert Client has SYSADM or SYSCTRL authority on the DB2 instance on which the Performance Expert Client runs. This authority is required to catalog and uncatalog databases. 3.3 Windows-specific installation information This section lists brief instructions about how to install and configure Performance Expert on Windows. For a more detailed description, refer to following chapters in 'Installation and Configuration', SC18-9191: - Configurations for Performance Expert - Installing Performance Expert Client on Windows - Installing Performance Expert Server on Windows - Configuring Performance Expert Server on Windows 3.3.1 Performance Expert Server (modification level) Step 1: The installer needs Java 1.4. Check whether Java 1.4 is installed on the machine. If not, install the jar file that is delivered with the Performance Expert Server installation files. Enter the following command: jar -xvf For example: jar -xvf win32.jar If you do not have installed Java at all, copy the jar file to a zip file and use an unzip utility to unzip it. Ensure that the platform jar files are located in the same directory as the installation files. Step 2: Define a user group and define all users of Performance Expert Client and Performance Expert Server in this group. Alternatively, do this during the installation of Performance Expert Server. Step 3: Install Performance Expert by executing one of the following commands as administrator user and follow the installation instructions: db2pe.server.v2.2.1.install-on-win.exe db2pe.server.v2.2.1.workgroupedition.install-on-win.exe During the installation, you can configure the DB2 instance on which the Performance Expert Server should run. If you want to do this after the installation, perform Step 4. Execute step 4 only if you install Performance Expert for the first time and if you do not upgrade from a previous version. Step 4: If not already done during Step 3, configure the DB2 instance for Performance Expert Server in one of the following ways: - Select the configuration from the Performance Expert Server program menu. - Enter the following command from a Command Prompt window from the bin directory of your Performance Expert Server installation: peconfig Step 5: Start Performance Expert Server. 3.3.2 Performance Expert Server (Fix Pack) Step 1: Stop Performance Expert Server if it is running. Requirement: You must have installed Performance Expert Server V2.2 before you install the fix pack. Step 2: Install Performance Expert Server by executing one of the following commands as administrator user and follow the instructions: db2pe.server.v2.2.1.install-on-win.exe You are asked for the installation path. The path of your previous Performance Expert Server installation is already suggested. Confirm the path. If you have installed but not yet configured and used Performance Expert before this fix pack installation, proceed with Step 4 and succeeding steps of section '3.3.1 Performance Expert Server (modification level)'. 3.3.3 Performance Expert Client Step 1: The installer needs Java 1.4. Check whether Java 1.4 is installed on the machine. If not, install the jar file that is delivered with the Performance Expert Server installation files. Enter the following command: jar -xvf For example: jar -xvf win32.jar If you do not have installed Java at all, copy the jar file to a zip file and use an unzip utility to unzip it. Ensure that the platform jar files are located in the same directory as the installation files. Step 2: Install Performance Expert Client by entering the following command and follow the installation instructions: db2pe.client.v2.2.1.install-on-win.exe Step 3: Start the Performance Expert Client. If you want to execute the function 'New DB2 System' in Performance Expert Client, ensure that the user who starts Performance Expert Client has SYSADM or SYSCTRL authority on the DB2 instance on which required to catalog and uncatalog databases. 4.0 CUSTOMIZATION AND USAGE INSTRUCTIONS 4.1 Enabling access to a CIM Server If you want to collect operating system data by using a CIM Server, you must install, configure, and run a CIMOM version on the monitored DB2 instance. This is described in 'Installation and Configuration', SC18-9191, in Chapter 4 for Windows, and in Chapter 10 for UNIX and Linux systems. If you migrate from Performance Expert V2.1 to V2.2.1, and if you want to collect operating system data for a monitored DB2 instance, you must also change the configuration of the monitored DB2 instance. The reason is that the default setting to access the CIM Server is set to 'No' when you migrate the configuration data. To change the configuration, configure Performance Expert Server in one of the following ways: - By using the configuration GUI: Select 'Use CIM to retrieve operating system data.' This is described in Appendix D of 'Installation and Configuration', SC18-9191. - By using the command line utility: Answer the following question with 'Y': 'Do you want to configure access to CIMOM (Y/N)' This is described in Appendix A of 'Installation and Configuration', SC18-9191. 4.2 CIM Server 4.2.1 Retrieving process information on Performance Expert Client If you monitor a DB2 instance that is located on an AIX or a Linux machine and if CIM is enabled, note the following: If you check 'Receive process information' on the window Operating System Status->Processes, all running processes are displayed. The field 'CPU Usage %' shows only N/P values in online mode. It shows real usage values if you switch to history mode. 4.3 Using Performance Expert with DB2 V8 Fix Pack 9 or later DB2 Version 8 Fix Pack 9 or later no longer supports SERVER authentication of a DB2 client if the database manager parameter AUTHENTICATION of the DB2 server is set to SERVER_ENCRYPT. Performance Expert supports this DB2 change, but under certain conditions, you might get an authentication error if DB2 V8 Fix Pack 9 is used for the monitored DB2 instances or for the DB2 instance on which Performance Expert Server runs. The authentication error message can be: SQL30082N Attempt to establish connection failed with security reason "17" ("UNSUPPORTED FUNCTION"). SQLSTATE=08001 The conditions and solutions are: Conditions (Performance Expert Client): 1) The database manager configuration parameter AUTHENTICATION is set to SERVER_ENCRYPT for the DB2 V8 Fix Pack 9 instance or later on which Performance Expert Server runs, and you have migrated from a previous version of Performance Expert or you still use a previous version. The authentication error appears on your Performance Expert Clients. Solution for 1): On your Performance Expert Clients, the performance databases of Performance Expert Server must be recataloged to change the authentication to one that is compatible with SERVER_ENCRYPT. After installing Performance Expert Client Version 2.2, perform this step before starting Performance Expert Client: As a user with DB2 administration rights (SYSADM) on Performance Expert Client, change to the bin directory of your Performance Expert Client Version 2.2 installation and enter the following command to recatalog the Performance Expert databases: java -jar recatdb.jar Ensure that Java 1.4.2 is called by adding it to your PATH variable or by fully qualifying the java call. For example, on Windows enter the following command: "c:\Program Files\IBM\IBM DB2 Performance Expert V2\java142\jre\ bin\java" -jar recatdb.jar Conditions (Performance Expert Server): 2) The database manager configuration parameter AUTHENTICATION is set to SERVER_ENCRYPT for the monitored DB2 instances of DB2 V8 Fix Pack 9 or later, and you have migrated from a previous version of Performance Expert or you still use a previous version. The authentication error appears on your Performance Expert Server. Solution for 2): On your Performance Expert Server, you must recatalog the monitored databases to change the authentication to one that is compatible with SERVER_ENCRYPT. As a user with DB2 administration rights (SYSADM) on the DB2 instance where the Performance Expert Server runs, change to the bin directory of your Performance Expert Server Version 2.2 installation and invoke the following command to recatalog the databases that Performance Expert monitors: java -jar recatdb.jar Ensure that Java 1.4.2 is called by adding it to your PATH variable or by fully qualifying the java call. Ensure that you access a 32-bit or 64-bit Java version, depending on whether the DB2 instance on which Performance Expert Server runs is a 32-bit or a 64-bit version. For example, on UNIX in ksh shell, export the PATH variable by entering the following command: export PATH=/opt/IBM/db2pesrv/V2.2.1/java142/jre/bin:$PATH On UNIX, additionally ensure that the bin directory of the Performance Expert Server installation and the lib directory of the DB2 Version 8 Fix Pack 9 installation is contained in the library search path environment variable. Set the environment variable before calling the recatalog tool, for example, by entering the following command in ksh shell on AIX: export LIBPATH=/opt/IBM/db2pesrv/V2.2.1/bin:/usr/opt/db2_08_01/ lib:$LIBPATH Note that the name of the environment variable is different for the UNIX systems: - On AIX: LIBPATH - On Linux, Solaris, and HP/UX (64 bit): LD_LIBRARY_PATH - On HP/UX (32 bit): SHLIB_PATH. 4.4 Using the IBM Content Manager threshold set Performance Expert provides a predefined threshold set, called 'IBM Content Manager'. You can use this threshold set if you monitor Content Manager (CM) DB2 databases, such as the Library Server (LS) or a Resource Manager (RM) database. Note that the thresholds are based on settings for a mid-sized to large-sized system and might need adjustments for your environment. If you monitor operating system parameters by using Performance Expert, you might want to add the following additional threshold: Exception Category: Operating System Subcategory: Storage Exception Field: Free Space Qualifier: Volume Name for the following items: LS and RM database (if SMS table spaces are used), RM Staging Area (if LAN cache is used) and RM LBOSDATA. For the RM Staging Area, the threshold values should be lower than the value that is defined in the purger setting of the CM admin server. 4.5 Reducing data volume for SQL activity tracing If you use the SQL activity tracing feature, a lot of data is collected by a statement event monitor that is started on your monitored DB2 instance. You can limit the amount of the collected data if your monitored DB2 instance runs on DB2 V9. Set the following registry variable on your monitored DB2 instance: db2set DB2_EVMON_STMT_FILTER= ALL This causes the SQL activity tracing to skip the single fetch operations. Depending on the ratio of fetch operations, this can reduce the data volume of SQL activity traces significantly, which speeds up loading of the data into Performance Warehouse and the generation of SQL activity trace reports. 4.6 Workload generator pedemo The bin directory of the Performance Expert Server installation includes a workload generator called 'pedemo' for sample and demo purposes. Note that this workload generator is meant for sample and demo purposes only and therefore, support for it is not provided. Call 'pedemo -help' to get usage information. If you call pedemo without any options then a subset of all available scenarios is started in the local PEDEMO database. 4.7 Which shared library must be copied for SQL Activity Tracing ? If you configure a remote DB2 instance for monitoring using the peconfig program then you specify whether you want to use a shared file system or database objects for exchanging event monitor data between the monitored system and the Performance Expert Server. If you want to use database objects then must install the shared library fpeevm on the monitored system in the directory that you specified as remote path in peconfig. The fpeevm library can be found in the following directories of your Performance Expert Server installation: UNIX or Linux: resources//lib32 resources//lib64 Windows: resources\\lib32 resources\\lib64 is the operating system of your monitored instance and lib32 or lib64 indicates the bit width of your monitored DB2 instance. The libraries are independent on the DB2 Version of your monitored DB2 instance. You can use them for DB2 V8 and DB2 V9 instances. If you upgraded your Performance Expert Server installation from either V2.2 or V2.2.0.1 to V2.2.1 then you might find additional directories named for UNIX or Linux: resource//V8/* for Windows: resource\\V8\* These directories can be ignored. If you already copied the fpeevm library to the monitored system before you upgraded your Performance Expert Server installation to V2.2.1 then you don't have to replace it. For more information refer to Chapter 4 or Chapter 9, subchapter 'Specifying the exchange of event monitor data' in 'Installation and Configuration'. 5.0 CORRECTIONS TO DOCUMENTATION For a complete list of documentation enhancements refer to the section 'Summary of changes' in 'Installation and Configuration', SC18-9191, and to the section 'What's new?' in 'Monitoring Performance from the Workstation', SC18-9584. To obtain the latest refresh of DB2 Performance Expert publications refer to: 6.0 HOW TO GET HELP For complete and up-to-date source of Performance Expert information, including information on issues discovered after this README was published, go to the following Web site: Performance Expert Online Support: If you cannot find an answer to your question searching this Web site, call 1-800-IBM-SERV to speak to an IBM representative for assistance. For Fix Packs to be installed before using the program, refer to the following Web site: For a redbook about Performance Expert refer to the following web site: 7.0 NOTICES This information was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A. IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any IBM intellectual property right may be used instead. However, it is the user's responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any non-IBM product, program, or service. IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter described in this document. The furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to: IBM Director of Licensing IBM Corporation North Castle Drive Armonk, NY 10594-1785 U.S.A. For license inquiries regarding double-byte character set (DBCS) information, contact the IBM Intellectual Property Department in your country or send inquiries, in writing, to: IBM World Trade Asia Corporation Licensing 2-31 Roppongi 3-chome, Minato-ku Tokyo 106, Japan The following paragraph does not apply to the United Kingdom or any other country where such provisions are inconsistent with local law: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION PROVIDES THIS PUBLICATION "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some states do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this statement may not apply to you. This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time without notice. Any references in this publication to non-IBM Web sites are provided for convenience only and do not in any manner serve as an endorsement of those Web sites. The materials at those Web sites are not part of the materials for this IBM product and use of those Web sites is at your own risk. Licensees of this program who want to have information about it for the purpose of enabling: (i) the exchange of information between independently created programs and other programs (including this one) and (ii) the mutual use of the information which has been exchanged, should contact: IBM Corporation J74/G4 555 Bailey Avenue San Jose, CA 95141-1003 U.S.A. Such information may be available, subject to appropriate terms and conditions, including, in some cases, payment of a fee. The licensed program described in this information and all licensed material available for it are provided by IBM under terms of the IBM Customer Agreement, IBM International Program License Agreement, or any equivalent agreement between us. Any performance data contained herein was determined in a controlled environment. Therefore, the results obtained in other operating environments may vary significantly. Some measurements may have been made on development-level systems and there is no guarantee that these measurements will be the same on generally available systems. Furthermore, some measurement may have been estimated through extrapolation. Actual results may vary. Users of this document should verify the applicable data for their specific environment. Information concerning non-IBM products was obtained from the suppliers of those products, their published announcements, or other publicly available sources. IBM has not tested those products and cannot confirm the accuracy of performance, compatibility, or any other claims related to non-IBM products. Questions on the capabilities of non-IBM products should be addressed to the suppliers of those products. All statements regarding IBM's future direction or intent are subject to change or withdrawal without notice, and represent goals and objectives only. COPYRIGHT LICENSE: This information contains sample application programs in source language, which illustrate programming techniques on various operating platforms. You may copy, modify, and distribute these sample programs in any form without payment to IBM, for the purposes of developing, using, marketing or distributing application programs conforming to the application programming interface for the operating platform for which the sample programs are written. These examples have not been thoroughly tested under all conditions. IBM, therefore, cannot guarantee or imply reliability, serviceability, or function of these programs. You may copy, modify, and distribute these sample programs in any form without payment to IBM for the purposes of developing, using, marketing, or distributing application programs conforming to IBM's application programming interfaces. 7.1 Use of evaluation program If you are using an evaluation copy of the program, the following terms apply: This program contains a disabling device that will prevent it from being used upon expiration of this license. You will not tamper with this disabling device or program. You should take precautions to avoid any loss of data that might result when the program can no longer be used. See the License Agreement for a complete explanation of the terms that apply. 7.2 Other notices 7.2.1 OpenPegasus OpenPegasus is an excluded component. License: Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, 2002 BMC Software; Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L. P.; IBM Corp.; The Open Group; Tivoli Systems. Copyright (c) 2003 BMC Software; Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L. P.; IBM Corp.; EMC Corporation; The Open Group. Copyright (c) 2004 BMC Software; Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L. P.; IBM Corp.; EMC Corporation; VERITAS Software Corporation; The Open Group. Copyright (c) 2005 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L. P.; IBM Corp.; EMC Corporation; VERITAS Software Corporation; The Open Group. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: THE ABOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND THIS PERMISSION NOTICE SHALL BE INCLUDED IN ALL COPIES OR SUBSTANTIAL PORTIONS OF THE SOFTWARE. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. 7.2.2 Info-Zip unzipSFX stub file and hsqldb Info-Zip unzipSFX stub file and hsqldb are excluded components and third party code. THIRD PARTY LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, NOTICES AND INFORMATION The license agreement for this product refers you to this file for details concerning terms and conditions applicable to third party software code included in this product, and for certain notices and other information IBM must provide to you under its license to certain software code. The relevant terms and conditions, notices and other information are provided or referenced below. Please note that any non-English version of the licenses below is unofficial and is provided to you for your convenience only. The English version of the licenses below, provided as part of the English version of this file, is the official version. Notwithstanding the terms and conditions of any other agreement you may have with IBM or any of its related or affiliated entities (collectively "IBM"), the third party software code identified below are "Excluded Components" and are subject to the following terms and conditions: - the Excluded Components are provided on an "AS IS" basis; - IBM DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL EXPRESS AND IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS WITH RESPECT TO THE EXCLUDED COMPONENTS, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OR INTERFERENCE AND THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE; - IBM will not be liable to you or indemnify you for any claims related to the Excluded Components; and - IBM will not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, punitive or consequential damages with respect to the Excluded Components. UnZipSFX Stub file: The Program includes "UnZipSFX stub" software from the Info-Zip group which is Copyright (c) 1999-2002, Info-ZIP. All rights reserved. IBM did not modify the UnZipSFX software. There are no extra charges or costs due to the use of this code, and the original compression sources are freely available from http on the Internet. 7.3 Trademarks and service marks The following terms are trademarks or service marks of the IBM Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both: AIX DB2 IBM OMEGAMON Tivoli z/OS Java and all Java-based trademarks are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States, other countries, or both. Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and the Windows logo are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries. Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries, or both. Other company, product and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2003, 2006. All rights reserved. Note to U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.