IBM(R) DB2(R) Performance Expert for Multiplatforms, Version 1 Release 1 IBM(R) DB2(R) Performance Expert for z/OS(R) and OS/390(R), Version 1 Release 1 DB2 PM for OS/390 - Workstation Online Monitor Version 7 DB2 PM for OS/390 - Workstation Online Monitor Version 6 CONTENTS 1.0 ABOUT THIS README FILE 2.0 CONTENTS OF THIS CD-ROM 2.1 How to get software to unpack the compressed files 3.0 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 3.1 Performance Expert for Multiplatforms 3.2 Workstation Online Monitor 3.3 Performance Warehouse Client 4.0 KNOWN PROBLEMS AND RESTRICTIONS, HINTS AND TIPS 4.1 Performance Expert 4.2 Workstation Online Monitor 4.3 Performance Warehouse Client 5.0 CUSTOMIZATION INSTRUCTIONS 6.0 SERVICE UPDATES 6.1 Corrected known problems 7.0 CORRECTIONS TO DOCUMENTATION 8.0 OTHER SOURCES OF INFORMATION 9.0 NOTICES 9.1 Trademarks and service marks 1.0 ABOUT THIS README FILE Welcome to IBM DB2 Performance Expert for Multiplatforms, Version 1 Release 1, README file that contains information about installing IBM DB2 Performance Expert for Windows(R) and Unix-based platforms. It also contains the latest information that is not documented in books or helps. In this README file, the following naming conventions apply: IBM DB2 Performance Expert for Multiplatforms is abbreviated to Performance Expert. When the name Performance Expert is used, DB2 Performance Monitor (DB2 PM) is included where applicable. 2.0 CONTENTS OF THIS CD-ROM This CD-ROM contains compressed packages that are identified by the platform on which you install the code. The CD-ROM structure and size of the decompressed images are: ./README.TXT (this file) ./win README.TXT db2pe.install-on-win.exe client installation db2pesrv.install-on-win.exe server installation (db2pesrv-tab.install-on-win for try and buy) setup.exe main installation selection routine ./aix README.TXT db2pe.install-on-aix client installation db2pesrv.install-on-aix server installation (db2pesrv-tab.install-on-aix for try and buy) ./sun README.TXT db2pe.install-on-solaris client installation db2pesrv.install-on-solaris server installation (db2pesrv-tab.install-on-solaris for try and buy) ./lnx README.TXT db2pe.install-on-lnx client installation db2pesrv.install-on-lnx server installation (db2pesrv-tab.install-on-lnx for try and buy) ./hpux README.TXT db2pe.install-on-hpux client installation db2pesrv.install-on-hpux server installation (db2pesrv-tab.install-on-hpux for try and buy) ./doc fpeina10.pdf Installation and Customization fpempa10.pdf Monitoring Performance from the Workstation 2.1 HOW TO GET SOFTWARE TO UNPACK THE COMPRESSED FILES Most Window-based packages are compressed with PKZIP. Most UNIX-based packages are compressed with GUNZIP. o You can download PKZIP from http://www.pkware/com/downloads/ o You can download GUNZIP from 3.0 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 3.1 PERFORMANCE EXPERT FOR MULTIPLATFORMS To install Performance Expert for Windows and Unix-based platforms: 1. Change your current directory to the CD-ROM directory for the platform of your choice. If you install from a program CD, continue with step 4. 2. Download the package into a temporary directory of your choice. Ensure that you have at least 150 MB of free space for the unzipped and decompressed program. 3. Decompress the package of files for the platform of your choice if necessary. 4. To install the program, refer to the README file in the package for the corresponding instructions. 5. Download the documentation for the product from the following Web site: 6. Check for fixpacks that are to be installed before you start the program. The Web site is: fixpaks-mp.html See also Section 6.0 SERVICE UPDATES. 3.2 WORKSTATION ONLINE MONITOR o If DB2 PM is already installed on your system, you are asked whether you want to remove it during the installation of Performance Expert Client. However, you do not have to remove DB2 PM because you can run programs simultaneously. o To catalog the database of Performance Expert Server on the DB2 client, use the Client Configuration Assistant (CCA) or perform the following commands within your DB2 environment. It is assumed that the TCP/IP protocol is used. db2 "catalog tcpip node remote server " db2 "catalog database as at node " o For Unix-based operating systems: Before monitoring a DB2 instance, ensure that the DB2 setup profile is added to the login profile of the user. Depending on the UNIX shell, the profile file is called 'db2cshrc' (C shell) or 'db2profile' (Bourne or Korn shell). o For Unix-based operating systems: Ensure that JavaHelp is installed. If your Java(R) directory is /usr/java131 the files jh.jar jhall.jar jhbasic.jar jhtools.jar jsearch.jar must be in the directory /usr/java131/jre/lib/ext If you do not have these files, copy them from INSTALLDIR/lib/ext. o During the deinstallation, the displayed program name "DB2 Performance Expert" is truncated. This is a known bug of the InstallShield for Multiplatforms. 3.3 PERFORMANCE WAREHOUSE CLIENT 3.3.1 DB2 Connect is a prerequisite Performance Warehouse is created and maintained by the Performance Expert Server under a DB2 for z/OS subsystem. Performance Warehouse clients directly connect to the Performance Warehouse on the host by using the type-2 JDBC driver provided by DB2 Connect Personal Edition. DB2 Connect Personal Edition Version 7, which is also shipped with DB2 UDB Enterprise Edition Version 7, is a prerequisite for installing Performance Warehouse on the workstation. For information on how to install DB2 Connect, see "DB2 Universal Database(TM) and DB2 Connect(TM) for Windows, OS/2(R) and UNIX(R) - Installation and Configuration Supplement". 3.3.2 Configuring DB2 on the Performance Warehouse client Before you can use the Performance Warehouse clients on the workstation, the DB2 for z/OS subsystem on which the Performance Warehouse and the associated database DB2PM reside must be configured on the client. You should use the Client Configuration Assistant (CCA) of DB2 Connect for the configuration and follow the instructions in "DB2 Universal Database and DB2 Connect for Windows, OS/2 and UNIX - Installation and Configuration Supplement". The following list provides an overview of the selections to be made in the Add Database Wizard of CCA: o On the Source page: Click 'Manually configure a connection to a database'. o On the Protocol page: 1. Click 'TCP/IP'. 2. Select the 'Database physically resides on the host or AS/400(R)' check box. 3. Click 'Connect directly to the server'. o On the TCP/IP page: Specify the host name (TCP/IP address) and TCP/IP port number. o On the Database page: Specify the database name (DB2 subsystem location) and database alias (choose a name). You use this database alias on the Connect to Performance Warehouse window. o On the ODBC page: Select the 'Register this database for ODBC' check box, then click 'As a system source'. o On the Node Options page: Select the 'Configure node options' check box, then click the operating system 'MVS/ESA(TM), OS/390'. o On the Security Options page: Select the 'Configure security options' check box, then click 'Host or AS/400 authentication'. o On the Host or AS/400 Options page: Leave the check box clear. Performance Warehouse allows to define and store SQL queries. If queries should be tested for syntactical correctness before storing them in the warehouse, add DEFERREDPREPARE=0 in the file sqllib\db2cli.ini for the DB2 subsystem, where sqllib is the default DB2 Connect installation directory. 3.3.3 Testing the connection to the DB2 subsystem After successful configuration, test the connectivity to the DB2 subsystem by using your host user ID and password. To work with the warehouse database DB2PM, your user ID must be granted the access privileges described in "IBM DB2 Performance Expert for z/OS and Multiplatforms, Version 1 Release 1, Installation and Customization", and the connectivity test must be successful. 4.0 KNOWN PROBLEMS AND RESTRICTIONS, HINTS AND TIPS 4.1 Performance Expert 4.1.0 Trace Switches on Linux platform cause server problem Do not change the trace switch in the Properties Window/Diagnostics of the Multiplatform instance. 4.1.1 DB2 Version 7.2 fixpack 7 for Unix If you install this fixpack, you must run Performance Expert Client on your local machine. Remote access causes a DB2 problem. 4.1.2 Identifying the version number on Windows To identify the version number for the server or client component of Performance Expert, Performance Monitor, and Buffer Pool Analyzer: 1. Start the client program. 2. From the Help menu, select Product Information. If the client program does not start: 1. Click Start -> Settings -> Control Panel. The Control Panel window is displayed. 2. In the Control Panel window, double-click Add/Remove Programs. The Add/Remove Programs window is displayed. 3. In the Add/Remove Programs window, click the program name. 4. Click support information. 4.1.3 Removing services on Windows Note that services on Windows are special programs. Do not remove these services manually, use Add/Remove Programs instead. 4.1.4 Verifying the installation of Performance Expert Server on Windows For information about how to do this, refer to Chapter 9, "Verifying the installation" in "IBM DB2 Performance Expert for z/OS and Multiplatforms, Installation and Customization, Version 1 Release 1". 4.1.5 Verifying the removal of Performance Expert Server on Windows To verify that Performance Expert Server is removed correctly: 1. Open the DB2 Control Center. 2. Check that the DB2PM database under the monitored instance has been dropped by the installation procedure. If not, drop the DB2PM database manually. For a description of how to do this, refer to 4.1.7, "Deleting the DB2PM database manually". 3. Click Start -> Settings -> Control Panel. The Control Panel window is displayed. 4. In the Control Panel window, double-click Administrative Tools. The Administrative Tools window is displayed. 5. In the Administrative Tools window, double-click Services. The Services window is displayed. 6. In the Services window, check that the entry DB2 Performance Expert Server () is deleted and not shown anymore. If the entry is only deactivated and still shown, reboot your system. 7. Check that the installation directory is deleted. By default, the name of the directory is: C:\Program Files\IBM\Performance Expert Server If the installation directory is not deleted, delete it manually. 4.1.6 Cleaning up the removal of Performance Expert Client on Windows and Unix-based operating systems Note: Do not delete the directories if you want to keep user-defined system settings. In this case, delete all files of the directories mentioned below, except for the file subsystems.xml that is located in the directory dgokdata. To verify that Performance Expert Client is removed correctly: 1. Depending on your operating system, delete the following directories: For Performance Expert: For Windows 2000 and Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\\.db2pe For Windows NT(R): C:\winnt\profile\\.db2pe For Unix-based operating systems: /home//.db2pe For Performance Monitor: For Windows 2000 and Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\\.db2pm For Windows NT: C:\winnt\profile\\.db2pm For Unix-based operating systems: /home//.db2pm 2. Check that the installation directory is deleted. By default, the name of the directory is: C:\Program Files\IBM\Performance Expert If the installation directory is not deleted, delete it manually. 4.1.7 Deleting the DB2PM database manually To delete the DB2PM database manually: 1. Open the DB2 Control Center. 2. Check that the DB2PM database exists under the monitored instance. 3. Drop the DB2PM database. If the database still exists: 1. Open a DB2 Command window. 2. Enter the command SET DB2INSTANCE to ensure that the DB2INSTANCE variable is set to the correct DB2 instance. To get all instances, enter db2ilist. 3. Enter the command db2 drop database DB2PM. If the database still exists: 1. If you use the default installation of DB2 UDB EE, ensure that the DB2 Warehouse services are stopped. 2. Enter db2 list applications to see connections to the DB2PM database. 3. Close all DB2 applications, such as the DB2 Control Center. 4. Enter the command db2 drop database DB2PM. If the database still exists: 1. Stop all programs so that transactions from other DB2-related programs are not lost. 2. Enter the command db2stop force. 3. Enter the command db2start. 4. Enter the command db2 drop database DB2PM. 4.1.8 Deleting the DB2PM database alias of Performance Expert To delete the DB2PM database alias of Performance Expert: 1. Ensure that the DB2PM database dropped from the current instance. For a description of how to do this, refer to 4.1.7, "Deleting the DB2PM database manually". 2. Open a DB2 Command window. 3. Enter the command SET DB2INSTANCE to ensure that the DB2INSTANCE variable is set to the correct DB2 instance. To get all instances, enter db2ilist. 4. Enter the command db2 start to ensure that the DB2 instance is started. 5. Enter the command db2 uncatalog database DB2PM. The alias DB2PM is now deleted from the DB2 catalog. 4.1.9 Applying fixpacks o Copying fixpacks from the Web If you have problems when downloading the fixpack files, you can copy and paste them in your destination folder. o Applying a fixpack for Performance Expert Server on Windows Note: Before you can apply a fixpack, the base package of Performance Expert Server must be installed. If it is not installed, you get the error message Could not start the DB2 Performance Expert Server (DB2) service on local computer. Usually, the installation program performs the update automatically. If not, use the Repair option. Note that this option repairs only program files of the Performance Expert Server installation. To repair the DB2PM database, reinstall Performance Expert Server. o Applying a fixpack for Performance Expert Server on Unix-based operating systems Notes: 1. Before you can apply a fixpack, the base package of Performance Expert Server must be installed. 2. Do not remove the installed version of Performance Expert. Instead, install the fixpack in a new directory. To install the fixpack: 1. Ensure that the fixpack installation file db2pesrv.fpx.install-on-system is executable, where x denotes the version of the fixpack, and system denotes your operating system, for example, db2persrv.fp2.install-on-aix. 2. Invoke the fixpack installation file. 3. When you are asked for the installation path, select, for example, /opt/IBM/db2pesrv.fpx, where x denotes the version of the fixpack. 4. After the installation of the fixpack completes successfully, you must copy the file nodelock from the directory /opt/IBM/db2persrv/V1.1/bin/nodelock to the directory /opt/IBM/db2persrv.fpx/V1.1/bin/nodelock, where x denotes the version of the fixpack. 5. Drop old versions of the database manually by using the following command: db2 drop db db2pm 6. Run the configuration script /opt/IBM/db2persrv.fpx/V1.1/adm/db2pesrv-config, where x denotes the version of your fixpack. As of fixpack version 2, the output is logged in the file /tmp/db2pesrv-config.log. 4.1.10 Connecting Performance Expert Client with Performance Expert Server For information about how to do this, refer to Chapter 11, "Customizing Performance Expert Server for Multiplatforms" in "IBM DB2 Performance Expert for z/OS and Multiplatforms, Installation and Customization, Version 1 Release 1". 4.1.11 Defining a user group and configuring the DB2 instance to be monitored Performance Expert for Multiplatforms monitors DB2 instances. A DB2 instance can contain more than one database. During the installation of Performance Expert Server, you are asked to define a user group for authorization purposes. You should define a group with the name DB2PE and put all users of Performance Expert Client and Performance Expert Server in this group. Note that you should define this user group before you install Performance Expert Server. In the System Overview window of Performance Expert Client, you must configure one entry for each DB2 instance that is to be monitored. Usually, the name of the DB2 instance on the client is different from the name of the DB2 instance on the server. The reason is that instance names on different machines can be identical, but they must be unique for the definition in the System Overview window of Performance Expert Client. DB2 or DB2INST1 is often used as names on a server. 4.1.12 Configuring a client connection When you want to monitor a remote server, you must configure a client connection before you can define the remote instance in the System Overview window of Performance Expert Client. To configure the client connection, you can use the DB2 Client Configuration Assistant (CCA). The CCA helps you make your remote DB2PM database available as DB2 database alias to your local Performance Expert Client. If you use CCA, you must provide the following information: Database name The name is DB2PM. Note: Do not change this name. Database alias A name of your choice that must be unique on the client. Use this name in the New DB2 System window of the System Overview window as the DB2PM database alias. DB2 port of the server Usually, the port is 50000. For more information, contact your DBA. Note that you need this information only for manual configuration by using the CCA. To check the connection while you define it and to monitor the server from the client, you must have a valid user ID on the server. The user ID must have the privileges of the DB2 group that is configured on the server at the time of the installation. You should name this group DB2PE. For more information, see also 4.1.11, "Defining a user group and configuring the DB2 instance to be monitored". 4.1.13 Defining instances within Performance Expert Client To access a DB2 instance that is to be monitored on a server, you must define the instance of the server in the System Overview window of Performance Expert Client as described in 4.1.11, "Defining a user group and configuring the DB2 instance to be monitored". For this definition, consider the following: o The name DB2 instance alias on the second page of the New DB2 System window is a name of your choice and denotes the new instance. The name must be different from the DB2 database alias. Do not confuse this name with other DB2 aliases. o The field DB2PM database alias contains the name of the instance on the Server that is to be monitored. This is the DB2 alias name that you have defined by using the CCA. For more information refer to the following Web site: customization.html 4.1.14 Installing Performance Expert Server for monitoring more than one DB2 instance on one machine To monitor more than one DB2 instance on one machine, install Performance Expert Server on Windows in the following way: 1. Remove Performance Expert Server. 2. Ensure that all DB2 instances to be monitored are started. 3. Reinstall Performance Expert Server and select all instances to be monitored during the installation procedure. 4.1.15 Using accounts from locally defined users When you install Performance Expert Server on Windows, you can select the option Account from locally defined users. Before you use this account, ensure that one of the following conditions applies. o The selected user has SYSADM rights in DB2 and the Windows right Log on as service. o The selected user is a member of the Windows administrators group. Otherwise, the selected user cannot start Performance Expert Server. 4.1.16 The name of the client is wrong If the installation of the client component shows the wrong name, for example, Performance Monitor instead of Performance Expert for Multiplatforms, do the following: 1. Depending on your operating system, delete the following directories: Note: Do not delete the directories if you want to keep user-defined system settings. In this case, delete all files of the directories mentioned below, except for the file subsystems.xml that is located in the directory dgokdata. For Performance Expert: For Windows 2000 and Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\\.db2pe For Windows NT: C:\winnt\profile\\.db2pe For Unix-based operating systems: /home//.db2pe For Performance Monitor: For Windows 2000 and Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\\.db2pm For Windows NT: C:\winnt\profile\\.db2pm For Unix-based operating systems: /home//.db2pm 2. Edit the property file \bin\db2pm.prop. a. Ensure that the file contains the variable Ensure also that the variable is one of the following: For Performance Expert: For Performance Monitor: b. Ensure that db2pm.path is set according to your client component. For Performance Expert: db2pm.path=.db2pe For Performance Monitor: db2pm.path=.db2pm 4.1.17 The last step of the Performance Expert Server installation on Windows does not complete If you get the error message The DB2 instance cannot be stopped when you perform the last step of the Performance Expert Server installation, do the following: 1. Open a DB2 command window. 2. Enter the command SET DB2INSTANCE to ensure that the DB2INSTANCE variable is set to the correct DB2 instance. To get all instances, enter db2ilist. 3. Enter db2 list applications to see connections to the DB2PM database. 4. Close all DB2 applications, such as the DB2 Control Center. 5. Retry to proceed with the installation procedure. If you still get the error message: 1. If you use the default installation of DB2 UDB EE, ensure that the DB2 Warehouse services are stopped. 2. Enter the command db2 stop to stop the DB2 instance. 3. Retry to proceed with the installation procedure. 4.1.18 You cannot monitor the entire data If you cannot monitor the entire data: 1. Open the DB2 Control Center. 2. Right-click the DB2 instance to be monitored. 3. Click Configure. The Configure Instance window is displayed. 4. Select the Monitor tab. 5. Set all monitor parameters to On. 6. Restart the instance. 7. Click Performance Expert Client -> System Parameters -> Instance Management. 8. Ensure that the system monitor parameters are set to 1. 4.1.19 Installation directory of Performance Expert Server is displayed repeatedly After you install Performance Expert Server, the Windows Explorer containing the installation directory is displayed each time you reboot your system. This is a known problem of the product registration tool. To solve this problem, fill out the registration form, and uncheck the reminder function. 4.1.20 Changing the database manager parameter mon_heap_sz The memory that is required for DB2 monitoring (snapshot monitor and event monitors) is allocated from the monitor heap. Its size is controlled by the mon_heap_sz configuration parameter of the database manager. The amount of memory that is required for monitoring activity varies considerably. To evaluate the required size, refer to "IBM DB2 UDB System Monitor Guide and Reference" or to "DB2 UDB Administration Guide: Performance Version 7". 4.1.21 Parameters for the DB2 instance During installation and configuration of Performance Expert, the following values are set for the DB2 instance in which the DB2PM database is created. This helps avoid severe problems in DB2. app_ctl_heap_sz to 1024 java_heap_sz to 2048 mon_heap_sz to 512 If you have to increase these values, change them after installation and configuration of Performance Expert. 4.1.22 SQL activity report cannot be started If this problem occurs, you must update the corresponding configuration parameter directly in the DB2PM.PARAMETER table by using the following SQL UPDATE command: update db2pm.parameter set pa_flagvalue='Y' where pa_key='PERFORMANCEWAREHOUSE' The name of the parameter refers to the 'PA_KEY' column in the DB2 table. The data type is flag and refers to the 'PA_FLAGVALUE' column in the DB2 table. 4.2 Workstation Online Monitor 4.2.1 Launching Netscape as HTML browser Launching an HTML browser from the client can fail. In this case, start the browser separately. 4.2.2 Exception processing on the host not yet available Periodic exception processing: Importing threshold sets is currently not supported. Therefore, you cannot use exception profiling on the host. 4.2.3 Restarting the client if the server is restarted When the server component of the client is restarted, the client might not reconnect. In this case, log off manually from the monitored DB2 system, then log on again. In some cases, you must restart the client. 4.2.4 Restarting the client if the DB2 instance is restarted When the DB2 instance to be monitored is restarted, the client might not reconnect. In this case, you must restart the client. 4.2.5 Error when cancelling an SQL activity trace that has the status 'Waiting' If you start an SQL activity trace and press Cancel or close the window while the collection process has the status 'Waiting', the following error might occur: Error occurred: !!! DBE_Exception --- error : -438 sqlstate : PM003 sqlmsg : [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/NT] SQL0438N Application raised error with diagnostic text: "P_UPD05: Process has running process executions". SQLSTATE=PM003 detail : update process database entity ... parameter[1]: 'P_FACADE_1032787943332' parameter[2]: NULL parameter[3]: NULL parameter[4]: 'IN DEFINITION' parameter[5]: NULL parameter[6]: 1412 parameter[7]: 1413 --- DBE_Exception !!! In this case, the collection of trace data was started but could not be stopped. Therefore, you must stop the process manually by using the following DB2 commands: 1. db2 connect to db2pm user ... 2. db2 "update db2pm.processlog set PL_STATUS='CANCEL' where PL_P_ID=" 3. db2 "select PL_STATUS from db2pm.processlog where PL_P_ID=" 4. if PL_STATUS is 'CANCELED': db2 "update db2pm.process set P_STATUS='IN DEFINITION' where P_ID=" 5. db2 "delete from db2pm.processgroup where PG_ID=" 4.2.6 Release of database connections for SQL activity traces When SQL activity traces are generated, several database connections are used. Note that these connections are not released after the SQL activity trace is generated so that they can be reused for further tracing. They are only released when you exit Performance Expert. 4.3 Performance Warehouse Client 4.3.1 Code-page problems when accessing Performance Warehouse For some installations, you might receive SQL0332 errors when accessing Performance Warehouse residing on a DB2 for z/OS subsystem. To solve this problem, set DB2CODEPAGE to a value that is compatible with the host SCCSID. In addition, the SYSIBM.SYSSTRINGS table must contain a row that maps the two values in the INCCSID OUTCCSID columns. For more information on DB2CODEPAGE values, see the appendix "National Language Support Considerations" in one of the DB2 Connect Quick Beginnings books. If you still get no connection to Performance Warehouse, you might get the following message: SQL0332N - There is no available conversion for the source code page "1208 UNKNOWN 3" to the target code page "". Reason Code "". SQLSTATE=57017. To solve this problem, add DISABLEUNICODE=1 in the file sqllib\db2cli.ini for the subsystem, where sqllib is the default DB2 Connect installation directory. See also the technical notes (Technotes) #1008683 and #1008573. If DISABLEUNICODE does not work, you might get the following message: SQL0332N There is no available conversion for the source code page "01208" to the target code page "00437". Reason code "DSNXRIVB". SQLSTATE=57017. To solve this problem, UNICODE support on z/OS needs to be enabled correctly including Enforced Subset and Round Trip method in the conversion image. For more information, see APAR PQ40270 and PMR #68853. 4.3.2 Restarting the Performance Expert Server Before restarting the Performance Expert Server, which manages Performance Warehouse, disconnect from all Performance Warehouse clients. This is necessary because the clients might hold a lock on the Performance Warehouse tables and prevent the Performance Expert Server from restarting and initializing. 4.3.3 Running CONVERT steps with incorrect input data sets CONVERT steps assume, as input, save data sets that were produced by Performance Expert batch reports. If a CONVERT step runs with an incorrect input data set, the Performance Expert Server fails (see error log) and is unable to execute any processes. Therefore, in this case, Performance Expert Server must be stopped and restarted. 4.3.4 Understanding the schedule string The schedule string in the 'Schedule of process' field reflects the schedule defined on the Schedule Process window. It consists of the following parts in this sequence: year/month/day/day of the week/hour/minute As to the day of the week, 0 stands for Saturday. 4.3.5 Deleting process executions of processes scheduled 'immediately' If a process execution entry (for a process scheduled 'immediately') is deleted within 5 minutes after the process terminates, Performance Expert Server reruns the process. The reason is that the Server replaces 'immediately' with the time at which the process was started. The Server interprets this time as a schedule if no process execution is available. 4.3.6 Reusing output data sets produced by a REPORT step After a process has run, all output data sets on the host are stored in the Performance Warehouse and removed from the host. Therefore, if you want to use the output data sets created by a REPORT step as input for a LOAD or a CONVERT and a LOAD, you must define a LOAD FILE or LOAD SAVE subcommand as part of your REPORT step. 4.3.7 Deleting data sets To permanently delete data sets from the Performance Warehouse, you must delete them in the Process Execution Details window or delete the appropriate process execution entry from the Process Executions page of the Performance Warehouse window. 4.3.8 Working with template queries and rules of thumb The sample queries and rules of thumb supplied under the PUBLIC groups can be executed as they are. The query strings and value expressions are not formatted. However, you can copy the queries and rules, and insert blanks or new lines to get a more readable format. 4.3.9 Running query execution and rule-of-thumb analysis by several users Several users can perform their analysis at the same time. However, you should not analyze data while it is loaded to avoid a locking conflict. 5.0 CUSTOMIZATION INSTRUCTIONS For complete instructions on how to customize and use Performance Expert, refer to "IBM DB2 Performance Expert for z/OS and Multiplatforms, Version 1 Release 1, Installation and Customization". You can find this document on the following Web site: If you install this image from CD-ROM, the documentation is located in the /doc directory. 6.0 SERVICE UPDATES For fixpacks to be installed before using the program, refer to the following Web site: 6.1 Corrected known problems 6.1.1 Added features o For System Overview: - Multiple launch - Disconnect for z/OS has been removed. The check is be performed during logoff. If a process is still running, a dialog is displayed to inform the user. - A 'snapshot' time has been added. It shows when the last refresh has been performed in the System Overview window. - The Import configuration of DB2 systems has been improved. o For System Health: - Predefined data views have been added on multiplatform systems. - The scale in the Properties window can be adapted dynamically. - In the Properties window, you can choose the number of snapshots to be shown on a data view. - You can set the number of snapshots to be displayed in a data view. The maximum number is 99. o SQL activity reports can now be generated o Locking conflicts function has been added o For Exception Processing: - Setting Configuration dialog o For Thread/Application Details: - Show only timestamps in slider that really exists 7.0 CORRECTIONS TO DOCUMENTATION To get the latest updates on documentation, refer to: To get the latest Performance Expert publications, refer to: 8.0 OTHER SOURCES OF INFORMATION For complete and up-to-date information about Performance Expert, including information on issues that are not contained in this README file, refer to the following Web sites: For Performance Expert: For Publications regarding Performance Expert: For online Support: If you cannot find an answer by searching these Web sites, call 1-800-237-5511 to speak to an IBM representative for assistance. 9.0 NOTICES This information was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A. IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any IBM intellectual property right may be used instead. However, it is the user's responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any non-IBM product, program, or service. IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter described in this document. The furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to: IBM Director of Licensing IBM Corporation North Castle Drive Armonk, NY 10594-1785 U.S.A. For license inquiries regarding double-byte (DBCS) information, contact the IBM Intellectual Property Department in your country or send inquiries, in writing, to: IBM World Trade Asia Corporation Licensing 2-31 Roppongi 3-chome, Minato-ku Tokyo 106, Japan The following paragraph does not apply to the United Kingdom or any other country where such provisions are inconsistent with local law: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION PROVIDES THIS PUBLICATION "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some states do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this statement may not apply to you. This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time without notice. Any references in this publication to non-IBM Web sites are provided for convenience only and do not in any manner serve as an endorsement of those Web sites. The materials at those Web sites are not part of the materials for this IBM product and use of those Web sites is as your own risk. Licensees of this program who want to have information about it for the purpose of enabling: (i) the exchange of information between independently created programs and other programs (including this one) and (ii) the mutual use of the information which has been exchanged, should contact: IBM Corporation J74/G4 555 Bailey Avenue San Jose, CA 95141-1003 U.S.A. Such information may be available, subject to appropriate terms and conditions, including in some cases, payment of a fee. The licensed program described in this information and all licensed material available for it are provided by IBM under terms of the IBM Customer Agreement, IBM International Program License Agreement, or any equivalent agreement between us. Any performance data contained herein was determined in a controlled environment. Therefore, the results obtained in other operating environments may vary significantly. Some measurements may have been made on development-level systems and there is no guarantee that these measurements will be the same on generally available systems. Furthermore, some measurement may have been estimated through extrapolation. Actual results may vary. Users of this document should verify the applicable data for their specific environment. Information concerning non-IBM products was obtained from the suppliers of those products, their published announcements or other publicly available sources. IBM has not tested those products and cannot confirm the accuracy of performance, compatibility or any other claims related to non-IBM products. Questions on the capabilities of non-IBM products should be addressed to the suppliers of those products. All statements regarding IBM's future direction or intent are subject to change or withdrawal without notice, and represent goals and objectives only. All IBM prices shown are IBM's suggested retail prices, are current and are subject to change without notice. Dealer prices may vary. This information is for planning purposes only. The information herein is subject to change before the products described become available. This information contains examples of data and reports used in daily business operations. To illustrate them as completely as possible, the examples include the names of individuals, companies, brands, and products. All of these names are fictitious and any similarity to the names and addresses used by an actual business enterprise is entirely coincidental. COPYRIGHT LICENSE: This information contains sample application programs in source language, which illustrates programming techniques on various operating platforms. You may copy, modify, and distribute these sample programs in any form without payment to IBM, for the purposes of developing, using, marketing or distributing application programs conforming to the application programming interface for the operating platform for which the sample programs are written. These examples have not been thoroughly tested under all conditions. 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