This document provides a collection of links to important information about DB2® Everyplace® Version 9 Release 1 Fix Pack 3 (hereafter referred to as DB2 Everyplace V9.1.3), and also includes custom queries to the DB2 Everyplace Support site to help you locate the latest information on limitations, known issues and workarounds.
DB2 Version 9.5.2 for Linux®, UNIX® and Windows®, Oracle Database 11g, and Informix® Dynamic Server Version 11.5 have been tested with DB2 Everyplace V9.1.3 as source databases. Also, DB2 Everyplace Enterprise Edition V9.1.3 bundles Apache Derby and supports it as a client database.
DB2 Everyplace supports Windows Mobile 6.0 Standard Edition on mobile devices.
You can protect your mobile database against possible data loss by using the DB2 Everyplace backup and restore utilities. These utilities are supported on Linux, Windows CE and Windows platforms.
When the password of the DB2 Everyplace control database changes, update the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server passwords with the new dsychangepass utility instead of manually changing the passwords.
For a list of the APARs that are resolved in DB2 Everyplace V9.1.3 has resolved, see the list of fixes at
For information about hardware and software compatibility, see the detailed system requirements document at
Known problems are documented in the form of individual technotes in the Support knowledge base at As problems are discovered and resolved, the IBM Support team updates the knowledge base. By searching the knowledge base, you can quickly find workarounds or solutions to problems.
The following link launches a customized query of the live Support knowledge base: