IBM DB2 Everyplace Enterprise Edition Version 9.1.2

Release Notes


IBM DB2 Everyplace Enterprise Edition Version 9.1.2 Release Notes
DB2 Everyplace V9.1.2 new features
Fixes contained in this fix pack
Installation, configuration and uninstallation
Known considerations and restrictions

IBM DB2 Everyplace Enterprise Edition Version 9.1.2 Release Notes

Welcome to the IBM(R) DB2(R) Everyplace(R) Version 9.1.2 Release Notes.

This document contains the enhancements that are in DB2 Everyplace Version 9 Release 1 Fix Pack 2 (hereafter referred to as DB2 Everyplace V9.1.2). You can also find the link to information about installing, configuring and uninstalling DB2 Everyplace V9.1.2. A list of known restrictions and considerations is also documented.

DB2 Everyplace V9.1.2 new features

This section introduces the new features that are available in DB2 Everyplace V9.1.2.

New supported products

Support for new source databases
DB2 Version 9.1 for z/OS(R), DB2 Version 9.5 for Linux(R), UNIX(R) and Windows(R), and Informix(R) Dynamic Server Version 11.1 have been tested with DB2 Everyplace V9.1.2 as source databases.
Support for Windows Mobile 6.0 support
DB2 Everyplace V9.1.2 supports Windows Mobile 6.0 on mobile devices.
Support for Apache Derby 10.3 database
DB2 Everyplace Enterprise Edition V9.1.2 bundles Apache Derby 10.3 and supports it as a client database. You can use Derby database instead of the DB2 Everyplace database to synchronize data. DB2 Everyplace includes Apache Derby under the directory <DSYPATH>\Clients\derby, where <DSYPATH> is the root installation directory of DB2 Everyplace. Data type mapping information between Apache Derby and the various source databases is in the DB2 Everyplace documentation.


Support for synchronization of XML data types
You can synchronize XML data types between your devices and DB2 Database for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Version 9.1 or later. Palm OS devices and Symbian devices are not supported for this feature.
Mirror database performance tuning utility
You can improve the synchronization performance with the mirror database tuning utility. The utility can be set to run once or can be scheduled to run at a regular interval.
New parameter for XML scripting tool
When you apply the XML in the XML script file to the control database from the command line, you can use the new parameter -d scriptFile -filterAdjustment to adjust filters.
Changing trace level without restarting DB2 Everyplace Sync Server
You can temporarily change the trace level and collect the diagnostic information without restarting the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server.
Changes in IBM Type 2 Legacy/CLI JDBC driver
DB2 Everyplace V9.1.2 does not support the IBM Type 2 Legacy/CLI JDBC driver any more. During the installation of V9.1.2, the subscriptions that use the Type 2 Legacy/CLI JDBC driver will be updated automatically to use the Type 2 Universal JDBC driver. When you uninstall V9.1.2, the JDBC driver for these subscriptions will be changed automatically back to Type 2 Legacy/CLI JDBC driver.


Comprehensive data integrity check tool
Besides checking the general health of your DB2 Everyplace database by using the DBCHECK command, you can perform checks with the comprehensive database integrity check tool. The comprehensive check, when used before synchronization, also helps you to prevent client synchronization errors.

License changes and new error messages

The Software License Agreement terms are changed in this release. During installation, the license panel will display the complete terms.

The following error messages are either new or have been updated in this release, and are available in English only.

DSYS034E: The source data row with primary key value in table table name exceeds data size limit. Either one BLOB column, one XML column in replication is bigger than 4 MB, or the row size is bigger than 4 MB because of the BLOB data or XML data.

Explanation: See message text.

User Response: Decrease the data contained in the BLOB column, XML column, or decrease the data in other columns.

DSYS035E: The device cannot synchronize because the subscription contains XML data. XML data type cannot be synchronized on Palm or Symbian devices.

Explanation: See message text.

User Response: Do not synchronize XML data between Palm or Symbian devices and source databases.

DSYT041I: Started performance tuning on mirror database mirror database name.

Explanation: This is a progress message.

User Response: No action required.

DSYT042I: Started running REORGCHK command on user tables in mirror database mirror database name.

Explanation: This is a progress message.

User Response: No action required.

DSYT043I: The result of REORGCHK on mirror database mirror database name is output_of_reorgchk_command.

Explanation: This is a progress message.

User Response: No action required.

DSYT044I: Finished REORGCHK on mirror database mirror database name.

Explanation: This is a progress message.

User Response: No action required.

DSYT045I: Reorganizing table table name.

Explanation: This is a progress message.

User Response: No action required.

DSYT046I: Finished reorganization of table table name.

Explanation: This is a progress message.

User Response: No action required.

DSYT047I: Reorganizing the indexes for table table name.

Explanation: This is a progress message.

User Response: No action required.

DSYT048I: Finished reorganization of the indexes for table table name.

Explanation: This is a progress message.

User Response: No action required.

DSYT049I: Started RUNSTATS on table table name with parameters WITH DISTRIBUTION and DETAILED INDEXES ALL.

Explanation: This is a progress message.

User Response: No action required.

DSYT050I: Finished RUNSTATS on table table name with parameters WITH DISTRIBUTION and DETAILED INDEXES ALL.

Explanation: This is a progress message.

User Response: No action required.

DSYT051I: Finished performance tuning on mirror database mirror database name.

Explanation: This is a progress message.

User Response: No action required.

DSYT052E: Mirror database mirror database name does not exist.

Explanation: See message text.

User Response: Verify that the specified mirror database exists and try again.

DSYT053E: Performance tuning on mirror database mirror database name failed while exception exception description happened.

Explanation: See message text.

User Response: Correct the problem according to the message text and try again.

Fixes contained in this fix pack

The following APARs are fixed in DB2 Everyplace V9.1.2.


Installation, configuration and uninstallation

This section points to the installation, configuration and uninstallation instructions.

To install, configure and uninstall DB2 Everyplace V9.1.2, see DB2 Everyplace V9.1 Fix Packs Information Center, or download the Installation and User's Guide from the DB2 Everyplace library.

If you installed only DB2 Everyplace Sync Client for V9.1, install V9.1.2 manually by using instead of using the Update Installation wizard.

To uninstall DB2 Everyplace V9.1 after DB2 Everyplace V9.1.2 is applied, uninstall V9.1.2 first. When you uninstall V9.1, the new directories and files that were installed by V9.1.2 are not removed, and you must remove those directories and files manually.

Known considerations and restrictions

This section contains known defects in this release of . It also provides information about fixes or workarounds that exist for these limitations and issues.

For installation and configuration

After you complete the basic configuration of DB2 Everyplace with WebSphere(R) Application Server Version 6 and start the DB2 Everyplace application server, the SystemOut.log file will contain the exception message of no permission to write the WebSphere Application Server activity.log file. This exception occurs because the owner of the DB2 Everyplace application server does not have the necessary permission to write to the activity.log file in that directory. This issue will not affect system usage and will be fixed in the next release.

For the DB2 Everyplace Sync Client

For the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server

For the database


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